

For citation:

Kazharova I.A. Figurative and semantic dominants of the story “Scarlet Herbs” by Zeitun Tolgurov. Studia Litterarum, 2020, vol. 5, no 4, pp. 300–319. (In Russ.)

Author: I.A. Kazharova
Information about the author:

Inna A. Kazharova, PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, Institute for the Humanities Research, The Institute for the Humanities Research — Affiliated Federal State Budgetary Scientific Establishment “Federal Scientific Center “Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Pushkin St. 18, 360000 Nalchik, Russia.


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Received: March 22, 2020
Published: December 25, 2020
Issue: 2020 Vol. 5, №4
Department: Literature of the Peoples of Russia and Neighboring Countries
Pages: 300-319

UDK: 821.35
BBK: 83.3(2=632.93)
Keywords: Tolgurov, image, semantics, nature, color, dominant, emotional subtext, sacred center, tree-patron.


Thematic multidimensionality of “Scarlet Herbs” by Z. Tolgurov actualizes the interaction of figurative dominants; the story’s philosophical and aesthetic structure is developed at their intersection. Two significant aspects of the story’s fictional world are reflected in its title: “scarlet herbs” — a plant and color. This article explores the components of these two interrelated dominants that correlate with a wider framework that makes their interpretation possible — nature and color. I analyze the first of the two in comparison with the interconnected images of the clearing, spring, pine, and birch while juxtaposing the second one with other colors, green, black and white. The limited number of colors used by the author allows him to enhance semantic accents of the story and help the reader not only to see the metaphysical dimension of the story’s realistic conflict but also not to lose sight of the realistic authenticity hidden in the wide associativity of myth and folklore.


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