The article examines discursive features of the independent liberal-patriotic weekly Narodopravstvo (Democracy) published in 1917–1918 in Moscow and edited by the famous writer-symbolist G.I. Chulkov. The magazine (24 issues, two of them double) served as a “chronicle of the ideas and events of the Russian revolution” from the “fall of the autocracy” to the “Brest-Litovsk agreement” and united the authors of the religious-philosophical and liberal wing of the Russian intelligentsia (N.A. Berdyaev, B.K. Zaitsev, V.I. Ivanov, A.N. Tolstoy, V.F. Khodasevich, I.A. Novikov, A.M. Remizov, S.M. Soloviev, V.N. Muravyov, etc.). These authors often borrowed motifs and images from the New Testament to comprehend the catastrophic modernity. The article gives the classification and analysis of these appeals, and also concludes that in the first months of the growing October Revolution the authors of the Narodopravstvo seldom used the Biblical language. They gradually started employing its syntagmatics and motifs to reflect the formidable character of the drastically changing reality as they came to realize the significance of the changes taking place at home and abroad. The present study discovers, traces back and reflects the process when that resulted in a deeper understanding of the revolutionary reality as well as in the transition from the psychological, ideological, and purely aesthetic reactions to the experiences and insights.
1 Berdiaev N.A. Svobodnaia tserkov’ i sobor [Free Church and cathedral]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 7, 21 August, pp. 4–6. (In Russ.)
2 Bogdanova O.A. Novye referentsii kontsepta “zemlia“ v russkoi literature revoliutsionnykh let (1917–1920-e) [New references of the concept “land” in Russian literature of the revolutionary years (1917-1920s)]. Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2017, vol. 62, issue 2, pp. 247–258. (In Russ.)
3 Bogdanova O.A. Idei i obrazy russkoi literatury v revoliutsionnoi publitsistike zhurnala “Narodopravstvoˮ (1917–1918) [Ideas and images of Russian literature in revolutionary journalism of the journal “Democracy” (1917–1918)]. Literaturnyj fakt, 2018, no 8, pp. 219–245. (In Russ.)
4 Voloshin M.A. Sobranie sochinenii: v 13 t. [ Сollected works: in 13 vols.]. Moscow, Ellis Lak Publ., 2013. Vol. 12. 992 p. (In Russ.)
5 Gor’kii M. Stat’i 1905–1916 gg. [Articles 1905–1916]. Petrograd, Parus Publ., 1917. 208 p. (In Russ.)
6 Liubomudrov A.M. “Utilitarizm i plebeistvo — vot osnovy preobrazovaniia” [“Utilitarianism and plebeism are the basis of transformation”]. Moskva, 2017, no 3, pp. 183–185. (In Russ.)
7 Mikhailova M.V. Kommentarii [Comments]. Chulkov G.I. Gody stranstvii [Years of wandering]. Moscow, Ellis Lak Publ., 1999, pp. 661–808. (In Russ.)
8 Panchenko A.A. Sof’ia Fedorchenko i “russkii narod” [Sophia Fyodorchenko and “Russian people”]. Fedorchenko S.Z. Narod na voine [The people in the war]. St. Petersburg, Lenizdat Publ., 2013, pp. 4–10. (In Russ.)
9 Polovinkin S.M. N.A. Berdiaev i pravoslavie [N.A. Berdyaev and the Russian Orthodox Church]. Vestnik RKhGA, 2017, vol. 18, issue 3, pp. 142–148. (In Russ.)
10 Remizov A.M. Vseobshchee vosstanie. Vremennik [General uprising. Annals]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 10, 25 September, pp. 5–7. (In Russ.)
11 Solov’ev S.M. Printsip natsional’nogo samoopredeleniia [The principle of national self- determination]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 7, 21 August, pp. 13–15. (In Russ.)
12 Solov’ev S.M. kniazia E.N. Trubetskogo s professorom Titlinovym [The dispute of prince E.N. Trubetskoy and professor Titlinov]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 14, 30 October, pp. 11–13. (In Russ.)
13 Spivak M.L. Andrei Belyi i Ivanov-Razumnik v al’manakhe “Skify”: o revoliutsionnom i tendentsioznom [Andrei Bely and Ivanov-Razumnik in the annual “Scythians”: about the revolutionary and the tendentious]. Vestnik RGGU, 2015, no 5, pp. 15–23. (In Russ.)
14 Tolstaya E.D. “Degot` ili med?ˮ Aleksei N. Tolstoi kak neizvestnyi pisatel’ (1917–1923) [“Tar or honey?” Alexey N. Tolstoy as an unknown writer (1917–1923)]. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 2006. 685 p. (In Russ.)
15 Trifonov N.A. Nespravedlivo zabytaia kniga [Unfairly forgotten book]. Fedorchenko S.Z. Narod na voine [The people in the war ], ed. by N.A. Trifonov. Moscow, Sovetskii pisatel’ Publ., 1990, pp. 3–23. (In Russ.)
16 Fedorchenko S.Z. Soldatskie besedy [Soldier’s talk]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 9, 15 September, pp. 6–8. (In Russ.)
17 Fedorchenko S.Z. Soldatskie besedy [Soldier’s talk]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 12, 16 October, pp. 10–11.
18 Fol’klornye temy na zasedaniiakh i podgotovka teksta A.L. Toporkova; kommentarii A.L. Toporkova i A.A. Panchenko) [Folklore topics at the meetings of the Moscow linguistic circle (introductory article and preparation of the text by A.L. Toporkov; comments by A.L. Toporkov and A.A. Panchenko)]. Neizvestnye stranitsy russkoi fol’kloristiki [Unknown pages of Russian folklore studies]. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 2015, pp. 56–141. (In Russ.)
19 Chulkov G.I. Samoopredelenie Rossii i Maksim Gor’kii. Pis’ma so storony. II [Self-determination of Russia and Maxim Gorky. Letters from the outside. II]. Narodopravstvo, 1917, no 10, 25 September, pp. 10–12. (In Russ.)
20 Chulkov G.I. Torzhestvuiushchii kommunizm [Triumphant communism]. Narodopravstvo, 1918, no 23–24, 1 February, pp. 23–24. (In Russ.)