2024 Vol. 9, №4


Literary theory

Dina V. Shulyatyeva.
Modes of Evocation of the Presence Effect in Literature and Cinema: Theoretical Aspect
10 - 31

World literature


Alexander B. Kudelin.
From “the Miraculous as Real” to “the Real as Miraculous”: On Evolution of Arab Travelogue in the 19th Century

32 - 49
Anna V. Popova.
The Russian Background in George Sand’s Novel L’Homme de Neige
50 - 69
César Martínez Celis Díaz.
Translating the Melancholy Tone: E.A. Poe and Ch. Baudelaire
70 - 85
Margarita E. Balakireva.
The Influence of the “Russian Nihilistic Novel” on French Thought in 1870s–1890s: Critical Reception
86 - 105
Ekaterina V. Baydalova.
V. Vynnychenko’s Works and His Ethical and Philosophical Vision of the World’s “Reorganization”
106 - 121
Oxana A. Koval, Ekaterina B. Kriukova.
Philosophical Poetry as a Form of Memory. On a Poem by Hannah Arendt
122 - 137
Marina V. Frolova.
Metamodern in Indonesian Literature: A Night of 1,000 Traitors by Intan Paramaditha (2023)
138 - 159

Russian Literature

Olga A. Tufanova.
On Specific Aesthetic Features of the Plotless “Deviant” Texts in Chronicles
160 - 181
Yulia Kovarskaya, Natalia N. Arsentieva.
Ekphrastic Interpretation of the Madonna in A. Blok’s “Italian Poems”
182 - 205

Close Up: Ivan Bunin

Evgeny R. Ponomarev.
Ahead of Leo Tolstoy: Tolstoy’s Themes and Tolstoy’s “Tone” in the Early Prose of Ivan Bunin
206 - 221
Yaroslav I. Arov.
Two Approaches to Tolstoyism in the Works of I.A. Bunin and S. Karonin (N.E. Petropavlovsky)
222 - 423
Anton V. Bakuntsev.
The Obvious and Illusory “Trace” of Saadi in Ivan Bunin’s Poetry (Source Studies Aspect)
244 - 271
Kirill V. Anisimov.
The Poetics of “The Temple of the Sun”: The Composition Issue
272 - 287

Folklore Studies

Olga N. Patrakova.
The Narrative Structure of the Plot “Sleeping Beauty” in the French Folk Tale
288 - 301

Textology. Materials. Publications

Anastasia G. Plotnikova.
M. Gorky and the 1935 Discussion About the Writer in Cinematography
302 - 321
Dmitry M. Tsyganov.
On the Reception of French Existentialism in the Cultural and Ideological Context of Late Stalinism (The Case of J.-P. Sartre)
322 - 341
Maxim A. Frolov.
The Fates of Tolstoy Scholars (On the Correspondence of N.K. Gudziy with V.A. Zhdanov and E.E. Zауdenschnur). Article One: War Years (1942–1945)
341 - 367
Ekaterina I. Puzatkina.
Unknown Article by D.I. Chizhevsky About S.A. Esenin
368 - 395