

For citation:

Agapkina T.A. Blagovernaia Tsaritsa Khitra Byla Mudra: on One Synonymous Pair in the Russian Folklore. Studia Litterarum, 2020, vol. 5, no 2, pp. 336–389. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2020-5-2-336-389

Author: Т.A. Agapkina
Information about the author:

Tatyana A. Agapkina, DSc in Philology, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 32 a, Leninsky Ave., 119991 Moscow, Russia.

E‑mail: agapi‑This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: February 17, 2020
Published: June 25, 2020
Issue: 2020 Vol. 5, №2
Department: Folklore Studies
Pages: 336-389

UDK: 398
BBK: 82.3
Keywords: Russian folklore, synonymous pairs, charms, epics, verbal magic, Russian dialects.


The article is devoted to the study of synonymous pairs that are deviations from the words khitr-/mudr- (sly/wise) such as khitryi-mudryi, khiter-muder, khitrost’-mudrost’ etc., and a compound word khitromudryi in the Russian folklore. The essay analyzes those genres where these pairs are most widely represented: charms, folk epics, lamentations, wedding and lyrical songs as well as fairy tales. The author examines folklore contexts in which the synonymous pair khitryi-mudryi and the same-root pairs form a cycle of regular meanings; also, it focuses on what or who are regularly called khitrosti-mudrosti and khitryi-mudryi in different genres; which thematic fields these paired constructions are included in; their meanings and specificity of functioning within certain genres, etc. The article argues that most of the meanings implied by this synonymous pair relate to specific knowledge — whether it is wizardry, changelings, military affairs, professional skills, or skilful mastery of a craft. The authors suggests that this general meaning that generated specific meaning, e.g. “associated with secret knowledge, witchcraft, and wizardry” that has eventually become dominant. This meaning discloses itself in the dialect speech of different regions of the European Russia, especially widely represented in the Russian North and the adjacent territories of the North-West and North-East.


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72 Skazki i legendy pushkinskikh mest: Zapisi na mestakh, nabliudeniia i issled. V.I. Chernysheva [Tales and legends of Pushkin places: field records, observations, and studies by V.I. Chernyshev]. Moscow, Leningrad, AN SSSR Publ., 1950. 342 p. (In Russ.)

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84 Slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo narodnogo govora (d. Deulino Riazanskogo raiona Riazanskoi oblasti) [Dictionary of modern Russian folk dialect (Deulino, Ryazan district, Ryazan Region)], ed. by I.A. Ossovetsky. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1969. 612 p. (In Russ.) 

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87 Sobinnikova V.I. Konstruktsii s odnorodnymi chlenami, leksicheskim tozhdestvom i parallelizmom v narodnykh govorakh [Constructions with homogeneous terms, lexical identity, and parallelism in folk dialects]. Voronezh, Voronezh gos. un-t Publ., 1969. 103 p. (In Russ.)

88 Sokolov A. Zagovory [Charms]. Izvestiia Obshchestva arkheologii, istorii i etnografii pri Kazanskom un-te [Proceedings of Archaeology, History and Ethnography Society in Kazan University], 1892, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 232–234. (In Russ.)

89 Sreznevskii I.I. Materialy dlia Slovaria drevnerusskogo iazyka po pis’mennym pamiatnikam [Materials for the dictionary of the Old Russian language on written monuments]. St. Petersburg, Tip. Imp. Akademii nauk Publ., 1893–1903. Vols. 1–3. (In Russ.)

90 Staroslavianskii slovar’ (po rukopisiam X–XI vv.) [Old Slavonic language dictionary (by manuscripts of 10th–11th centuries], ed. by R.M. Tseitlin, R. Vecherki & E. Blagova. Moscow, Rus. iazyk Publ., 1999. 842 p. (In Russ.)

91 Tikhanov P. Brianskii govor. Zametki iz oblasti russkoi etnologii [Bryansk dialect. Russian Ethnology notes]. Sbornik Otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti [Collection of the Department of Russian language and literature]. St. Petersburg, Imp. Akademiia nauk Publ., 1904, vol. 76, no 4, pp. 1–263. (In Russ.)

92 Titova L.V. Fol’klornye obrabotki XVIII v. Povesti o rozhdenii i pokhozhdeniiakh tsaria Solomona [18th century folklore processings of The Tale of King Solomon’s Birth and Adventures]. In: Istochniki po istorii russkogo obshchestvennogo soznaniia perioda feodalizma [Sources on the history of Russian social consciousness during the feudal period], ed. by E.K. Romodanovskaia, L.V. Titova. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1986, pp. 209–251. (In Russ.)

93 Toporov V.N. Prostranstvo i tekst [Space and text]. In: Tekst: semantika i struktura [Text: semantics and structure], ed. by T.V. Tsivian. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1983, pp. 227–284. (In Russ.)

94 Fasmer M. Etimologicheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka [Etymological dictionary of the Russian language], transl. from German and add. by O.N. Trubachev. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1964–1973. Vols. 1–4. (In Russ.) 

95 Fol’klor Novgorodskoi oblasti: Istoriia i sovremennost’. Po materialam fol’klornogo arkhiva Novgorodskogo universiteta za 30 let [Folklore of the Novgorod region: History and modernity. Based on the materials of the folklore archive of the Novgorod University for 30 years], comp. by O.S. Berdiaeva. Moscow, Strategiia Publ., 2005. 352 p. (In Russ.)

96 Fol’klornye zapisi A.A. Shakhmatova v Zaonezh’e [Folklore records of A.A. Shakhmatov in Zaonezhye], prep. of texts, articles and notes by A. Astakhova and S. Shakhmatova- Koplan, introduction by M. Azadovsky. Petrozavodsk, Gos. izdatel’stvo Karelo-Finskoi SSR Publ., 1948. 92 p. (In Russ.)

97 Fomin E.V. O sushchnostnykh parametrakh parnykh slov russkogo iazyka [On the essential parameters of paired words of the Russian language]. In: I.A. Boduen de Kurtene i mirovaia lingvistika: Trudy i materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii [I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay and world linguistics. Proceedings and materials of the International conference], ed. by K.R. Galiullin et al. Kazan, Kazanskii (Privolzhskii) federal’nyi un-t Publ., 2017, pp. 278–280. (In Russ.)

98 Frolova O. Russkaia mudrost’ v zhanre poslovitsy [Russian wisdom in the proverb genre]. In: Mudrost’ — pravednost’ — sviatost’ v slavianskoi i evreiskoi kul’turnoi traditsii. Sb. statei [Wisdom — righteousness — holiness in the Slavic and Jewish cultural tradition. Collection of articles], ed. by O.V. Belova. Moscow, Sefer Publ., 2011, pp. 213–224. (In Russ.)

99 Shein P.V. Velikoruss v svoikh pesniakh, obriadakh, obychaiakh, verovaniiakh, skazkakh, legendakh i t.p. [The Russian in his songs, rituals, customs, beliefs, tales, legends, etc.]. St. Petersburg, Tip. Imp. Akademii nauk Publ., 1898, vol. 1, issue 1; 1900, vol. 1, issue 2. (In Russ.)

100 Etimologicheskii slovar’ slavianskikh iazykov. Praslavianskii leksicheskii fond [Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages. The Proto-Slavic lexical fund], ed. by O.N. Trubachev. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1974–. Vols. 1–. (In Russ.)

101 Ianovich V.M. Permiaki [Perm residents]. Zhivaia starina, 1903, no 1/2, pp. 52–171.(In Russ.)