The article examines literary by the early 20th century Austrian authors, H. von Hofmannsthal, St. Zweig, F.T. Csokor, R. Musil, A. Wildgans, A. Lernet-Holenia and J. Roth, and focuses on the theme of their quest for national identity. Many of the examined works narrate the story of ethnic relations in the Austro-Hungarian army. These narratives convey the tension that existed in the Austro-Hungarian society in the beginning of the 20th century and help us understand how and why the ethnic controversies increased in the time of the 1918 revolution. The narrators are trying to understand what is more important to them — a history of Austria-Hungarian Empire as a solid state and as a concept, or alternative national histories of ethnic groups that make up for this multinational empire. In 1918, Austria lost its empire status that forced many Austrians to search for and redefine their national and cultural identity. The article discusses the historical context of these works and analyzes the socio-cultural situation after the end of the World War I.
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