The Symbolist Ėllis’ (Lev Kobylinskij) writings during his Moscow period emphasize the split, the division and dichotomy between material reality and celestial vision. His works written in exile in Locarno-Monti in Switzerland are devoted to resolving these antitheses by building bridges on all levels: between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, between culture and religion, between worldly and otherworldly, ultimately between East and West. From being a poet and critic he became a translator and culturologist: “Dr. Leo Kobilinski-Ellis.” The Dutch medium Johanna van der Meulen — whom he had met in 1911 in Rudolf Steiner’s Theosophical, soon Anthroposophical colony — played a crucial role in this fundamental metamorphosis. With her he lived in a thirty-five-year-long creative symbiosis that proved extremely beneficial to the two of them. Van der Meulen developed a mystical doctrine of her own, “Cosmosophy”, based on a Gnostic world view, strongly influenced by Russian religious philosophy. As she had finished her work in four parts Dr. Kobilinski-Ellis published his summary and interpretation of her teachings, in which he defines the core of Cosmosophy as a synthesis of the “Johannian” element in the meditative wisdom of the Eastern Church and the “Petrine” component in the energetic faith of Catholicism.
1 Belyi A. Nachalo veka. Berlinskaia redaktsiia (1923) [The beginning of the century. Berlin edition], еd. A.V. Lavrov. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2014. 1064 p. (In Russ.)
2 Belyi A. Rudol’f Shteiner i Gete v mirovozzrenii sovremennosti. Vospominaniia o Shteinere [Rudol’f Steiner and Goethe in the religious worldview. Memoirs of Steiner], еd. I.N. Lagutina, M.L. Spivak. Moscow, Respublika Publ., 2000. 720 p. (In Russ.)
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4 Mal’mstad D. Belyi i antroposofiia [Bely anthroposophy]. Minuvshee [The past], 1988, vol. 6, pp. 337–450. (In Russ.)
5 Ellis. Stikhotvoreniia [Poems]. Tomsk, Vodolei Publ., 1996. 288 p. (In Russ.)
6 Iunggren M. Russkii Mefistofel’: Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo Emiliia Metnera [Russian Mephistopheles: Life and work of Emilii Medtner]. St. Petersburg, Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 2001. 288 p. (In Russ.)
7 Iunggren M. Ellis i doktor Kobilinski — simvolist s dvumia kar’erami [Eliss and Dr. Kobilinski — a Symbolist with two careers]. Andrei Belyi v izmeniaiushchemsia mire.
K 125-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia [Andrey Bely in the changing world: on his 125th anniversary], еds. M.L. Spivak, E.V. Nasedkina, I.B. Delektorskaia. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2008, pp. 76–80. (In Russ.)
8 Iunggren M. Lev Kobylinskii, Intermediarius i vitse-burgomistr Winter [Lev Kobylinsky: Intermediarius and vice-mayor Vinter]. Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii. Sbornik v chest’ 60-letiia A.V. Lavrova [At the turn of two centuries: a collection in honor of A.V. Lavrov’s 60th anniversary]. Moscow, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2009, pp. 806–815. (In Russ.)
9 Iunggren M. Emilii Metner v zhizni i snovideniiakh. Dve zametki k teme [Emilii Metner in life and dreams. Two notes on the subject]. Russian Literature, 2015, no LXXVII–IV, pp. 409–418. (In Russ.)
10 Boejtes I. Wer war Intermediarius? Leben und Werk einer ehemaligen Schülerin Rudolf Steiners (I). Novalis, 2001, no 1–2, pp. 65–69. (In German)
11 Kobilinski-Ellis L. Christliche Weisheit. Sapientia divina. Cosmologia perennis nach der Lehre des Intermediarius. Basel, Buchdruckerei Frobenius A.-G., 1929. 181 p. (In German)
12 Ljunggren M. The Russian Mephisto. A Study of the Life and Work of Emilii Medtner. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1994. 240 p. (In English)
13 Pfleger K. Unionsgespräch mit einem ‘Röm