Doct. Habil. in Philology,
Tenured Prof.
Warsaw University (1964–1966); Lomonosov Moscow State University (1966–1969)
PhD thesis:
Leonid Andreev’s Dramas. The Problem of Poetics (1976, Warsaw University)
Habil. thesis:
Drama under the Sign of Dionysus. Aesthetic Thought and Poetics of Dramatic Genres in Russian Symbolism (1992)
Internship at Sorbonne (Paris-IV), Department of Philosophy and Aesthetics (01.01.1993 – 31.08.1993) as a fellow of the “Tempus Office” grant program (Brussels).
Research interests: literary theory, history of Russian literature, literature and philosophical thought of Russian Émigré literature, theory and history of drama and theatre, history of ideas
Professional service
Organizer of two international conferences Kobieta i/jako Inny (Woman and/ as Other); Mit i figury kobiecości w rosyjskiej literaturze i kulturze XX–XXI wieku (w kontekście europejskim) in 2007, Życie serca (The Life of the Heart). Duch – dusza – ciało i relacja Ja – Ty w rosyjskiej literaturze i kulturze rosyjskiej XX–XXI wieku w kontekście europejskim in 2011
Member of the Editorial Board of the journals Dostoyevsky Review and Slavia Orientalis
Member of the International Editorial Counsel of the journal Studia Litterarum
Member of Société Internationale d’Histoire Comparée du Théâtre, de l’Opéra et du Ballet (Paris) and “Convivium”. International Society V. Ivanov (Rome)
Awards and distinctions
The title of professor (2002)
Two awards of the Ministry of Science and Education
Awards of the Dean of Marie Sklodowska Curie University for academic activity
Academic publications — over 150 publications, including 4 monographs.
Selected publications
- Eros in the Work of Vyacheslav Ivanov. On the Way to the Philosophy of Love. Tomsk, Moscow, Vodolei Publ., 2004. In Russ.
- Twórczość w kręgu mitu. Myśl estetyczno-filozoficzna i poetyka gatunków drama-tycznych symbolistów rosyjskich. Lublin, 1997. In Polish
- Dramat pod znakiem Dionizosa. Myśl estetyczna a poetyka gatunków symbolistów rosyjskich. Lublin, 1992. In Polish
- Dramaturgia Leonida Andriejewa. Technika i styl. Warsaw, 1982. In Polish
Edited collections
- “Życie serca.” Duch-dusza ciało i relacja Ja- Ty w literaturze i kulturze rosyjskiej XX–XXI wieku. Lublin, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2012. In Polish
- Kobieta i/jako Inny. Mit i figury kobiecości w literaturze i kulturze rosyjskiej XX–XXI w. (w kontekście europejskim). Lublin, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2008. In French, In Polish, In Russ.
Selected essays
- “The Message of Medieval Philosophy and Aesthetics in the Writings of Vyacheslav Ivanov: ‘Above the Palimpsest of Saint Augustine's Words’.” Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and Materials, issue 4, comp. and ed. by Е. Takho-Godi, A. Shishkin. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., Vodolei Publ., 2024, pp. 19–50. In Russ.
- “‘Achieve meaning and burn out...’ — Boris Poplavskii, Critic and Thinker (an Approache to the Problem).” Emigrantica. Issue 1: In memory of Oleg Korostelev, ed.-comp. E.R. Ponomarev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2023, pp. 507–521. In Russ.
- “‛Caring for Anima’ — Vyacheslav Ivanov as an Accomplice in Dialogue with Modernity.” Riddle of Modernism: Vyacheslav Ivanov: Proceedings of the 11th International Ivanovo Conference ‛Viacheslav Ivanov: the Enigma of Modernism.’ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 5–7, 2019, ex. ed. N. Segal-Rudnik, ed.-comp. D. Segal, O. Levitan, A. Shishkin, M. Wachtel. Moscow, Aquarius Publ., 2021, pp. 198–215. In Russ.
- “Other and Space of Meaning in the Prose of Zinaida Gippius in the Emigration Period.” Merezhkovsky Circle: On the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Z.N. Gippius: Collection of Articles, ed.-comp. E.A. Andrushchenko. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., Dmitry Sechin Publ., 2021, pp. 231–248. In Russ.
- “Concept of ‛Tenderness’ and ‛Tender Idea’ in the Work of Zinaida Gippius — Contexts of Understanding.” Modernizm(y) słowiański(e) w anturażu czułości, red. I. Malej, A. Matusiak, A. Paszkiewicz. Wrocław, Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2021, pp. 44–56. In Russ.
- “Viatcheslav Ivanov et Paul Claudel: métaphysique de l’âme et du simbolisme sacré — pour une lecture analogique / anagogique”. “L'avènement d'un art nouveau”: essaimage esthétique et spirituel de l'œuvre de Paul Claudel, sous la direction de Pascal Lécroart et Dominique Millet-Gérard. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2020, pp. 135–150. In French
- “Between Bilingualism and Intertextuality (Someone Else’s Word as a Subtext). From Berdyaev to Gazdanov.” Collection in Honor of the 60th Anniversary of O. Korostelev, ed. E. Ponomarev. Moscow, 2020. In Russ.
- “Vyacheslav Ivanov – Martin Buber – Gabriel Marcel: on the Foundations of Personalistic Reflection (the Concept of I – You Relationship).” Mundo Eslavo, no. 1, 2019, pp. 166–177. In Russ.
- “‘I semper idem’ and / or ‘Time-Encompassing Unity of Personality’: Personality and Time in Vyacheslav Ivanov and Semyon Frank.” Slavia Orientalis, no. 4, 2019, pp. 629–644. In Russ.
- “‘The Poet’s Return Journey to Paradise’: ‘Paradise Text’ in Russian Poetry of the First Half of the 20th Century.” Actual Problems and Prospects of Russian Studies, ed. Joan Castelvi, Andrei Zainuldinov, Ivan Garcia, Mark Ruiz-Sorrilla. Barcelona, 2018, pp. 243–253. [Print version in: Nowoczesność i tradycja. 50 lat wrocławskiego Instytutu Filologii Słowiańskiej, ed. E. Komisaruk, I. Malej. Wrocław, 2019, pp. 75–88]. In Russ.
- “Gospel Text and Anthropology of Vyacheslav Ivanov (Innermost Meaning and Artistic Innovation).” New Testament Images and Plots in the Culture of Russian Modernism, comp., ex. ed. O.A. Bogdanova, A.G. Gacheva. Moscow, 2018, pp. 62–78. In Russ.
- “‘Paradise of an Unforgettable Soul’ and ‘Christian Truth about a Man’ — a Poem by Vyacheslav Ivanov ‘Eden’.” Slavia Orientalis, no. 2, 2018, pp. 215–229. [With changes in: Vyacheslav Ivanov: Research and Materials, issue 3, comp. by S.V. Fedotova, A.B. Shishkin. Moscow, 2018, pp. 196–215]. In Russ.
- “‘Poor Knight’ or ‘Wanderer in a Desert of (No)thingness?’ Andrei Bely, Vyach. Ivanov and Nikolai Berdyaev about Merezhkovsky.” D.S. Merezhkovsky: Writer – Critic – Thinker: Collection of Articles, ed.-comp. O.A. Korostelev, A.A. Kholikov. Moscow, 2018, pp. 360–383. In Russ.
- “‘The Fragrant Beauty of Kissing Words’: ‘Temptations of the Body’ and ‘Charm of Feelings’ — Earthly Paradise and Blissful Construction in the Poetry of Fyodor Sologub.” Rusistica Latviensis, vol. 7, Riga, 2018, pp. 38–50. In Russ.
- “On the Notion of ‘Transcensus’ in Vyacheslav Ivanov and Saint Augustin.” Vyacheslav Ivanov: Pro et contra. Ivanov’s Life and Work in the Assessment of Russian and Foreign Thinkers and Scholars. Anthology, vol. 2. St. Petersburg, Izdatel'stvo Russkoi Khristianskoi gumanitarnoi akademii Publ., 2017, pp. 445–455. In Russ.
- “‘Sign about the Meaning’: Symbol and Being of Personality. Rose and Cross of Vyach. Ivanov.” Slavia Orientalis, no. 2, 2016, pp. 325–342. [In a Slightly Modified Edition Entitled: “Rose and Cross of Vyach. Ivanov.” Shakhmatovo Bulletin, issue 14, ed. by E. Glukhova. Mocsow, 2017, pp. 295–312.]. In Russ.
- “Between Metaphor and Metaphysics: on the Conceptualization of Personality in the Poetry of Vyacheslav Ivanov (Soul-Spirit-Heart).” Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and Materials, issue 2, ed. by N.Iu. Griakalova, A.B. Shishkin. St. Petersburg, 2016, pp. 197–214. In Russ.
- “‘Regrettable Miss?’ Between Dionysus and ‘Grammar’: Merezhkovsky – Pushkin – Vyach. Ivanov.” Toronto Slavic Quarterly, no. 57, 2016, 325–342. In Russ.
- “More about Erotic Utopia: Utopia of an Ideal Personality, from Roland Barthes to Vladimir Solovyov.” Die Welt der Slaven, no. 58, 2016, pp. 27–37. In Russ.
- “Le concept de mystère dans la création des symbolistes russes.” Renaissances du mystère en Europe fin XIXe siècle – début du XXIe siècle, éd. Anne Ducrey, Tatiana Victoroff. Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2015. In French
- “Le ‛modernisme’ orthodoxe russe: Nicolas Berdiaev et le débat sur la ‛stricte obédience’, l’hérésie et l’œcuménisme.” Les mutations religieuses en Russie et dans l’Empire russe: Conversions et sécularisation, éd. et trans. Françoise Lesourd. Toulouse, 2015, pp. 343–361. In French
- “‘La tradition du feu’: le mythe de Prométhée et sa metamorphose dans la tragédie de Viatchéslav Ivanov ‘Prometeï’ (‘Prométhée’).” Représentations et symboliques du feu dans les théâtres européens (XVI–XX siècle), ed. Jean-Marie Valentin, Florance Petizon. Paris, Honoré champion éditeur, 2013, pp. 137–149. In French
Teaching experience
Collaborates with Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, conducts Doctoral Seminars.