Creative work of the Nenets poet Yuri Vella occupies a special place in the literary community of the peoples of Russia. On the one hand, it fits into the main paradigms of the development of national literatures at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries (rapid increase of the dominance of the Russian language in the ethnohumanitarian environment; urbanistic motivic and figurative cluster; the relevance of the environmental topics; representative value of social narratives; a high level of ethnographic writing, etc.). On the other hand, Vella’s poems highlight one of the possible trajectories of the poetic traditions of the peoples of Russia in the near future (increased significance of the free verse; increased attention to ethnolinguistic “ornamentation” of texts; expansion of the visual component in the structure of the book; coexistence of different languages under one cover). The life and poetry of Yuri Vella confirm that the most important catalyst for the development of national literature is the author’s own active and creative personality. At the same time, the study of Yuri Vella’s work has interest in the context of broader studies of the national literature of the peoples of the Far North and its current state.
1 Amineva V.R. Sopostavitel’noe izuchenie russkoi i tatarskoi literatur [Comparative study of Russian and Tatar literature]. Kazan, Redaktsionno-izdatel’skii tsentr “Shkola” Publ., 2017. 264 p. (In Russ.)
2 Arzamazov A.A. Belye kriki v chernoi tishine: etnopoeticheskii mir Iuriia Velly [White screams in black silence: ethno-poetic world of Yuri Vella]. In: Eskizy: varianty, interteksty, strategii, taktiki, semiosfery, stikhodvizhenie [Sketches: options, intertexts, strategies, tactics, semiosphere, and poetry movement]. Izhevsk, Invozho Publ., 2005, pp. 89–93. (In Russ.)
3 Vella Iu. Belye kriki: Kniga o vechnom [White screams: A book about the eternal]. Surgut, Severnyi dom Publ., 1996. 168 p. (In Russ.)
4 Vella Iu. Vesti iz stoibishcha [News from the nomad camp]. Raduzhny, Gorodskaia tipografiia Publ., 1991. 48 p. (In Russ.)
5 Vella Iu. Zemlia liubvi: Dialogi [Land of love: Dialogues]. Khanty-Mansiysk, Print-Klass Publ., 2011. 208 p. (In Russ.)
6 Vella Iu. Pogovori so mnoi: kniga dlia nenetskogo studenta i dlia togo, kto khotel by poslushat’ nenetskuiu dushu [Talk to me: a book for a Nenets student and for one who would like to listen to the Nenets soul]. St. Petersburg, Mirall Publ., 2007. 152 p. (In Russ.)
7 Vella Iu. Reka Agan so pritokami. Opyt toponimicheskogo slovaria. Bassein reki Agan [Agan River with tributaries. Toponymic dictionary experience. Agan river basin]. Khanty-Mansiysk, IITs IuGU Publ., 2010. Part 1. 146 p. (In Russ.)
8 Vella Iu. Reka Agan so pritokami. Opyt toponimicheskogo slovaria. Bassein reki Agan [Agan River with tributaries. Toponymic dictionary experience. Agan river basin]. Khanty-Mansiysk, Dominus Publ., 2012. Part 2. 186 p. (In Russ.)
9 Vella Iu. Reka Agan so pritokami. Opyt toponimicheskogo slovaria. Bassein reki Agan [Agan River with tributaries. Toponymic dictionary experience. Agan river basin]. Khanty-Mansiysk, Iugrafika Publ., 2012. Part 3. 150 p. (In Russ.)
10 Vella Iu. Triptikhi [Triptychs]. Khanty-Mansiysk, Poligrafist Publ., 2001. 168 p. (In Russ., in Nenets, in French)
11 Vella Iu., Iurgenson T. Okhota na lebedei: Dialog [Swan hunting: Dialogues]. Khanty- Mansiisk, Poligrafist Publ., 2001. 10 p. (In Russ.)
12 Dym Iu. Amerika Iuriia Velly [Yuri Vella’s America]. Available at: https://www.proza.ru (Accessed 15 November 2019). (In Russ.)
13 Zhuleva A.S. Iurii Vella: literator, prosvetitel’, olenevod [Yuri Vella: writer, enlightener, and reindeer herder]. Voprosy istorii i kul’tury severnykh stran i territorii, 2017, no 3 (35), pp. 18–27. (In Russ.)
14 Kuchukova Z.A., Kharaeva L.F. Gender i etnogender (na materiale kabardinskoi zhenskoi prozy) [Gender and ethnogender (based on Kabardian female prose)]. Nalchik, Izdatel’skaia tipografiia “Print Tsentr” Publ., 2018. 192 p. (In Russ.)
15 Lagunova O.K. Poetika knigi Iu.K. Velly “Belye kriki” [Poetics of the book by Y.C. Vella “White screams”]. Vestnik Tiumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2003, no 4, pp. 45–61. (In Russ.)
16 Lagunova O.K. Fenomen tvorchestva russkoiazychnykh pisatelei nentsev i khantov poslednei treti ХХ veka (E. Aipin, Iu. Vella, A. Nerkagi) [The phenomenon of Russophone Nenets and Khanty writers of the last third of the 20th century (E. Aipin, J. Vella, A. Nerkagi)]. Tyumen, Izdatel’stvo Tiumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Publ., 2007. 258 p. (In Russ.)
17 Novikova N.I. Model’ mnogokul’turnosti Iuriia Velly [The multicultural model of Yuri Vella]. Vestnik ugrovedeniia, 2018, no 2, pp. 376–384. (In Russ.)
18 Rodionov V.G. Chuvashskoe sravnitel’noe literaturovedenie: teoriia i praktika [Chuvash comparative literature: theory and practice]. Cheboksary, Novoe vremia Publ., 2017. 92 p. (In Russ.)
19 Spodina V.I. Predstavlenie o prostranstve v traditsionnom mirovozzrenii lesnykh nentsev [The idea of space in the traditional worldview of the forest Nenets]. Novosibirsk, Izdatel’skii tsentr “Agro” Publ., Izdatel’skaia gruppa “Soliaris” Publ., “TsERIS” Publ., 2001. 124 p. (In Russ.)
20 Sultanov K.K. Ot Doma k Miru. Etnonatsional’naia identichnost’ v literature i mezhkul’turnyi dialog [From home to the world. Ethnic identity in literature and intercultural dialogue]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2007. 302 p. (In Russ.)
21 Sultanov K.K. Ugol prelomleniia. Literatura i identichnost’: kommunikativnyi aspect [The angle of refraction. Literature and identity: communicative aspect]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2019. 352 p. (In Russ.)
22 Tuluz E. Dve vetvi odnogo dereva [Two branches of the same tree], transl. from French by Maria Eremenko. Mir Severa, 2000, no 5, pp. 70–73. (In Russ.)
23 Khazankovich Iu.G. Fol’klorno-epicheskie traditsii v proze malochislennykh narodov Severa [Folklore-epic traditions in the fiction of the indigenous small peoples of the North]. Novosibirsk, Izdatel’stvo SO RAN Publ., 2009. 131 p. (In Russ.)