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Vasilyeva E.N. Persian Letters for Children: On the History of Montesquieuʼs Translations in Russia. Studia Litterarum, 2019, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 128–143. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2019-4-2-128-143

Author: Ekaterina N. Vasilyeva
Information about the author:

Ekaterina N. Vasilyeva, PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor, Saint-Petersburg State University, 11 Universitetskaya Emb., 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4859-1060

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: January 23, 2019
Published: June 25, 2019
Issue: 2019 Vol. 4, №2
Department: World Literature
Pages: 128-143

UDK: 821.133.1
BBK: 83.3(4Фра)+83
Keywords: Montesquieu, Persian Letters, translation, literature for children, Berquin, Bocharnikov, Chashnikov.


The article examines the earliest translations of Montesquieuʼs Persian Letters in the Russian language. The first Russian versions of the novel are fragmentary amateur translations included in such anthologies as Reading for Children (1779) and Selected Reading (1786) addressed to young readers. While realized independently of each other by Kapiton Bocharnikov and Ivan Chashnikov, these translations are based on the same fragment — the fable of the Troglodytes fable which is crucial in Montesquieuʼs political theory because it explains the advantages of Republic government. Comparing the original text and its translations has allowed me to reveal that Bocharnikovʼs translation relies on Lectures pour les enfants by a French childrenʼs author Arnaud Berquin as a mediator text. Another conclusion to be drawn is that while both translations relatively adequately correspond to the original text, they are different in terms of their literary value. At the same time, both translators fulfil their principal aim: withdrawn from the philosophical literature for adults, the Troglodytes fable is adopted for children as a didactic tale by both Bocharnikov and Chashnikov. This allows us to relate both translations to the tradition of translating childrenʼs literature in the second half of the 18 th century.


1 Bocharnikov K. Detskoe chtenie ili Otbornyia nebol’shiia povesti, udobnye uveselit’ detei i nastavit’ ikh liubit’ dobrodetel’ [Reading for children, or Selected tales appropriate both for amusing them and make them love the virtue]. Translated from French by Leibgvardii Preobrazhenskago polku podpraporshchikom Kapitonom Bacharnikovym. St. Petersburg, Tip. Art. i inzh. kadet. Korpusa Publ., 1779. 82 p. (In Russ.)

2 Vydrin I. Zagadochnyi Ivan Chashnikov [Mysterious Ivan Chashikov]. V mire knig, 1974, no 12, pp. 87. (In Russ.)

3 Dmitriev V.G. “Persidskie pis’ma” v Rossii [Persian Letters in Russia]. Dmitriev V.G. Po strane literaturii: Etiudy [Across the country of literature: essays]. Moscow, Moskovskii rabochii Publ., 1987, pp. 107–111. (In Russ.)

4 Karaichentseva S.A. Russkaia detskaia kniga XVIII–XX vv.: (ocherki evoliutsii repertuara. 1717–1990 gg.) [Russian childrenʼs book of the 18 th –20 th centuries: (essays on the evolution of literary production. 1717–1990)]. Moscow, Izd-vo MGUP, 2006. 292 p. (In Russ.)

5 Montesk’e Sh.-L. Persidskie pis’ma [Persian letters]. Frantsuzskii frivol’nyi roman [French frivolous novel], transl. from fr. French, ref. by A. Bondarev, A. Mikhailov, V. Zhirmunskii. Moscow, EKSMO Publ., 2008, pp. 5–252. (In Russ.)

6 Chashnikov I.A. Izbrannoe chtenie, ili Sobranie chuvstvitel’nykh i k vnusheniiu dobrodeteli spospeshestvuiushchikh povestei [Selected reading, or Collection of sentimental tales encouraging virtue]. St. Petersburg, Tip. Vil’kovskago i Galchenkova Publ., 1786. 123 p. (In Russ.)

7 Chekhov N.V. Ocherki istorii russkoi detskoi literatury (1750–1855) [Essays on the history of Russian childrenʼs literature (1750–1855)]. Materialy po istorii russkoi detskoi literatury (1750–1855) [Materials on the history of Russian childrenʼs literature (1750–1855)], eds. A.K. Pokrovskaia and N.V. Chekhov. Moscow, IMVR Publ., 1927, issue 1, pp. 17–88. (In Russ.)

8 Althusser L. Montesquieu, la politique et lʼhistoire. Paris, PUF, 1959. 120 p. (In French)

9 Berquin A. Lectures pour les enfants, ou Choix de petits contes également propres à les amuser et à leur faire aimer la vertu. Nouv. éd. corrigée et augmentée, tome premier. Genève, chez Isac Bardin libraire, 1780. 236 p. (In French)

10 Colin M. La littérature dʼenfance et de jeunesse en France et en Italie au XIXe siècle. Traductions et influences. Paris, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 1992. 89 p. (In French)

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13 Montesquieu Ch.-L. de. Lettres persanes. 2 vol. Paris Alphonse Lemerre éditeur, 1873. (In French)