L’Argent des autres (1873) is not a “true” detective novel like Monsieur Lecoq (1868) written by the same author, Émile Gaboriau. The novel appeared in print eight years after the publication of L’Affaire Lerouge, the first French detective novel; however, there is no police investigation; the culprit is known from the first pages. Like his previous novels, La Dégringolade (1871–1872) and La Corde au cou (1872–1873), L’Argent des autres shows an evolution towards the novel of manners in which Gaboriau reveals the failures of the society of his time. Thus, the novel depicts a dark picture of Parisian finance. Furthermore, if there is a criminal in this serial novel, it is a woman! Gaboriau takes his reader into the viscera of the world of money and discloses the social mechanics of those who live off the money of others. Gaboriau denounces the appetites of the morally corrupt society through the description of fictional spaces, such as the Comptoir de crédit mutuel, the office of the newspaper Le Pilote financier, the office of the speculator Lattermann, on the one hand, and of actual emblematic places such as the Bourse, the large boulevards or the Bois de Boulogne on the other.
1 Balzac d., Une Ténébreuse affaire. Paris, Gallimard, 1973. 384 p. (In French)
2 Bonniot Émile Gaboriau ou la Naissance du roman policier. Paris, J. Vrin, 1985. 543 p. (In French)
3 Collins La Dame en blanc, trad. de L. Lenoir, 1860. Disponible sur: http://bouqui- neux.com/index.php?telecharger=1684&Collins-La_Dame_en_blanc (Page consultée le 17 avril 2020). (In French)
4 Gaboriau É. L’Argent des autres, I Les Hommes de paille. Paris, Disponible sur: www.ebooksgratuits.com. (Page consultée le 17 avril 2020). (In French)
5 Gaboriau É. L’Argent des autres, II La Pêche en eau trouble. Paris, www.ebooksgra- tuits.com. (Page consultée le 17 avril 2020). (In French)
6 Gaboriau É. L’Argent des autres. Paris, Les Éditions du Masque, 504 p. (In French)
7 Gaboriau É. La Dégringolade, I Un Mystère d’iniquité. Adamant Media Corporation, 2006. 585 р. (In French)
8 Gaboriau É. La Vie infernale. Pascal Galodé, 568 p. (In French)
9 Gide Journal 1889–1939. Paris, Gallimard, 1951.1379 p. (In French)
10 Lacassin Mythologie du roman policier. Paris, Christian Bourgois, 1993. 542 p. (In French)
11 Niceforo «Le roman policier», La Revue, 15 avril 1910, pp. 433–449. (In French)
12 Plessis De la fête impériale au mur des fédérés, 1852–1871. Paris, Seuil, 1973. 256 р. (In French)
13 Williams «Gaboriau: Father of the Detective Novel», National Review, no 82, 1923, pp. 611–622. (In French)
14 Zola É. L’Argent. Paris, Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 445 p. (In French)