This is the first unabridged publication of the fragment of Valery Bryusov’s journal. In this fragment, Bryusov describes the events of the summer, autumn, and winter of 1890. During this period, he leaves F. Kreiman’s gymnasium and enters L. Polivanov’s gymnasium. The journal gives an idea of the poet’s personal life: his circle of friends, family, life, study, hobbies, etc. Bryusov also describes his first poetic experiments. The authors of this publication not only attempt to decipher the entire textual material but also compare the text with the material prepared for publication by the poet’s wife I.M. Bryusova. The foreword analyzes journal entries in detail and outlines the history of the publication of Bryusov’s journals. The journal is provided with a detailed historical and literary commentary.
1 Adres-kalendar’ g. Moskvy na 1891 g. [Address-calendar of Moscow for 1891]. Moscow, 1891. 345 p. (In Russ.)
2 Briusov V. Dnevniki 1891–1910 [Journals 1891–1910], edition prepared by I.M. Briusova; comm. by N.S. Ashukina. Moscow, M. i S. Sabashnikovy Publ., 1927. 203 p. (In Russ.)
3 Briusov V. Iz moei zhizni: Avtobiograficheskaia i memuarnaia proza [From my life: Autobiographical and memoir prose], comp., edition prepared, introd. and comm. by V.E. Molodyakova. Moscow, Izdatel’skii tsentr “Terra” Publ., 1994. 267 p. (In Russ.)
4 Briusov V. Iz moei zhizni: Moia iunost’; Pamiati [From my life: My youth; Memory], introd. and comm. by N.S. Ashukin. Moscow, M. i S. Sabashnikovy Publ., 1927. 131 p. (In Russ.)
5 Vsia Moskva. Adresnaia i spravochnaia kniga na 1890 god: god 19-I [All of Moscow. Address and reference book for 1890: year 19th]. Moscow, Suvorin “Novoe vremia” Publ., 1890. [1], 57, LX p., 1112 columns. (In Russ.)
6 Gudzii N. Iunosheskoe tvorchestvo Briusova [Juvenile work by Bryusov]. In: Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary heritage]. Moscow, Zhurnal’no-gazetnoe ob”edinenie Publ., 1937, vol. 27/28, pp. 198–238. (In Russ.)
7 Ezhegodnik Imperatorskikh teatrov. Sezon 1890–91 gg. [Yearbook of the imperial theaters. Season 1890–91]. St. Petersburg, Direktsiia imperatorskikh teatrov Publ., 1892. 330 p. (In Russ.)
8 Zaripova M.A. Sem’ia Eikhenval’d kak fenomen v istorii kul’tury i nauki Rossii vtoroi poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka [The Eichenwald family as a phenomenon in the history of Russian culture and science of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries]. In: Etnicheskie nemtsy Rossii: Istoricheskii fenomen “naroda v puti” / Materialy XII nauchnoi konferentsii [Ethnic Germans of Russia: The historical [phenomenon of the “moving nation” / Conference proceedings]. Moscow, MSNK-press Publ., 2009, pp. 615–618. (In Russ.)
9 Zinov’ev A. Istoricheskii ocherk Lazarevskogo instituta vostochnykh iazykov s kratkoi biografiei uchreditelei instituta [Historical outline of the Lazarevsky Institute of Oriental Languages with a brief biography of the founders of the institute]. Moscow, Tipografiia Lazarevskogo instituta vostochnykh iazykov Publ., 1863. 149 p. (In Russ.)
10 Konshina E.N. Tvorcheskoe nasledie V.Ia. Briusova v ego arkhive [Creative heritage of V.Ya. Bryusov in his archive]. In: Zapiski Otdela rukopisei GBL [Notes of the Department of manuscripts of the State Library of Lenin]. Moscow, Kniga Publ., 1962, issue 25, pp. 80–142. (In Russ.)
11 Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary heritage]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1976. Vol. 85: Valerii Briusov [Valery Bryusov]. 854 p. (In Russ.)
12 Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary heritage]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1991. Vol. 98, book 1: Valerii Briusov i ego korrespondenty [Valery Bryusov and his correspondents]. 831 p. (In Russ.)
13 Moskovskaia muzhskaia gimnaziia L.I. Polivanova. 1868–1893 [L.I. Polivanov’s male gymnasium. 1868–1893]. Moscow, Tipografiia M.G. Volchaninova Publ., 1893. 44 p. (In Russ.)
14 Pisarev D.I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem: v 12 t. [Complete works and letters: in 12 vols.] Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2004. Vol. 8. 596 p. (In Russ.)
15 Pravila svetskoi zhizni i etiketa. Khoroshii ton [Rules of social life and etiquette. Good manners]. St. Petersburg, Tipografiia i litografiia V.A. Tikhanova Publ., 1889. 413 p. (In Russ.)
16 Spravochnaia kniga o litsakh, poluchivshikh kupecheskie i promyslovye svidetel’stva po g. Moskve na 1892 g. [A reference book about persons who received merchant and trade certificates in Moscow in 1892]. Moscow, Tipografiia A.N. Ivanova Publ., 1892. 267 p. (In Russ.)
17 Khodasevich V. Sobranie sochinenii: v 4 t. [Collected works: in 4 vols.] Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 1997. Vol. 4. 744 p. (In Russ.)
18 Jeanne. Zhena poeta Briusova: [al’bom-katalog] [Wife of the poet Bryusov: albumcatalog], authors-compilers: M.V. Orlova et al.; transl. from Latin by M.A. Amelina, transl. from English by M.V. Orlova, transl. from Czech by O.A. Okuneva. Moscow, Literaturnyi muzei Publ., 2018. 143 p. (In Russ.)