The article discusses one of the little-known plots of the history of the History of Spanish literature: from the first attempts to describe and systematize it in the 18th century until it appeared in the pages of Russian journals in the 1820s. The objectives of the study include the reconstruction of the main stages of the history of Spanish literature of this period and description of their features. The ups and downs of the history of Spanish literature born in the age of Enlightenment show how it gradually became famous thanks to foreign translators and commentators. The author restores the history of the emergence of the Spanish theme in Russian literature (from Karamzin to Bulgarin), followed up by the analysis of the sources of Bulgarin’s “A Look at the History of Spanish Literature” (the first review of the history of Spanish literature in Russian), from Sismondi to Bouterwek and Ditze. Thus, the author comes to the starting point of the history of Spanish literature — the composition of the enlightener J.L. Velazquez, “Orígenes de la poesía española” (1754). Particular attention is paid to the “Memorias para la historia de la poesia y poetas españoles” by Matin Sarmiento (1745) and “La Poetica” by Ignacio de Luzan (1737) seen as two dogmatizing and mythologizing views on the role of literature in the history of the nation.
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