The article focuses on to the enigmatic mythological poem attributed to Jean Molinet and Jean Robertet which deals with the wedding of Zephyr and Flora, where the ancient gods are invited. Boreas is trying to prevent their marriage, but his troops are defeated by supporters of the newlyweds. The poet proposes to understand this story allegorically — as a battle of vices and virtues. The article shows that the poet borrows the images of Zephyr and Flora from the Roman de la Rose, where their story was part of the golden age of Saturn. Composing a panegyric in honor of the newlyweds, he lists the gods who command different parts of the universe, that Boccaccio, in the Genealogie deorum gentilium, attributed to the lineage of Jupiter, god of Heaven, and Phoebus. Turning to the allegorical poem Ovide moralisé and the Roman de la Rose, he completes the assembly of gods with heroes of myths who in Christian tradition were related to virtues, vices, or Christ. Diverse sources allow him to draw a grotesque picture of wedding celebrations, glorifying Christians — friends of Zephyr and Flora — and speaking ironically about the powerlessness of their enemies: at the wedding feast, Pluto partakes of the sacrament. The poem is similar to the mythological poems of Jean Molinet who should be recognized as its author.
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