The article examines three poems by Yuri Sopov published in Siberian daily socio-political and literary newspaper Zarya from the state archive of Novosibirsk region. Yuri Sopov was an Omsk poet who lived a short life (1897–1919): he prematurely died as the result of the explosion in the courtyard of A.V. Kolchak’s house. Sopov wrote series of poems, the rhymed Tale of the Last Summer, and the unfinished poem about Arthur Rimbaud only fragments of which have remained. The article focuses on Sopov’s poems “Sunset at the River,” “Love,” and “Loneliness” from his books Evenings at the River and I Remember the Early Mass... The latter and “Sunset at the River” are published in this article for the first time since 1918–1919. The poet retreats to the world of dreams and slumber that was typical for Romantic and Symbolist poetry. The “Sunset at the River” and “Love” are shaped after Balmont’s “Moisture” and correspond to the Symbolist tradition of the so-called “boat” poetry. “Loneliness” is a text that echoes political events that took place in Russia of that time. In the poem “I remember the early mass...,” Sopov borrows from both Klyuev and Blok, combining religious motifs from the former and the motif of the “beautiful lady” from the latter; at the same time, the poem has a distinct Akmeistic subtext inspired by Akhmatova and Mandelstam.
1 Bal’mont K.D. Stikhotvoreniia [Poetry]. Leningrad, Sov. pisatel’ Publ., 1969. 712 р. (In Russ.)
2 Belyi Omsk. Spravochnik-putevoditel’ po fondam Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Omskoi oblasti [Guide to the funds of the State Archive of Omsk region]. Available at: http://it-acad. univer.omsk.su/omskarchive/section2_3_2.html (Accessed 28 February 2019). (In Russ.)
3 Blok A.A. Sobranie sochinenii: v 8 t. [Collected Works: in 8 vols.]. Moscow, Leningrad, Gos. izd-vo khud. lit. Publ., 1960. Vol. 1: Stikhotvoreniia [Poems], ed. Vl. Orlov. 716 р. (In Russ.)
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5 Kliuev N. Sochineniia [Writings], ed. by G.P. Struve, B.A. Filippova. [München], Neimanis Publ., 1969. Vol. 1. 572 р. (In Russ.)
6 Lennkvist B. Mirozdanie v slove. Poetika Velimira Khlebnikova [Universe in the word. Poetics of Velimir Khlebnikov]. St. Petersburg, Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 1999. 240 р. (In Russ.)
7 Maslov G. Iurii Sopov. † 26 avgusta 1919 [Yuri Sopov. † August 26, 1919]. Sibirskaia rech’ (Omsk), 1919, no 189, 31 (18) avg., р. 2. (In Russ.)
8 Mandel’shtam O.E. Sobranie sochinenii: v 4 t. [Collected Works: in 4 vols.]. Moscow, Art-Biznes-Tsentr Publ., 1993. Vol. 1: Stikhi i proza. 1906–1921 Poems and prose. 1906–1921]. 368 р. (In Russ.)
9 Nesovetskie gazety (1918–1922 gg.): Katalog sobraniia Rossiiskoi natsional’noi biblioteki [Non-Soviet newspapers (1918–1922): Catalog of the collection of the Russian National Library]. St. Petersburg, RNB Publ., 2002. 168 р. (In Russ.)
10 Nikitin A.N. Periodicheskaia pechat’ kak istochnik po istorii grazhdanskoi voiny v Sibiri [Periodical press as a source for the study of the Civil war history in Siberia]. Omsk, Vysshaia shkola militsii MVD RF Publ., 1991. 204 р. (In Russ.)
11 Papkova E.A. Sibirskie pisateli i N.A. Kliuev v 1910-e gg. [Siberian writers and N.A. Klyuev in the 1910s]. Nikolai Kliuev: obraz mira i sud’ba. Nauchnyi sbornik [Nikolay Klyuev: the image of the world and fate. Academic collection]. St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Izdatel’skii Dom Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Publ., 2013, issue 4, рр. 7–27. (In Russ.)
12 Poety Tret’ei stolitsy (Vstup. st., podgot. tekstov Iu.P. Zarodovoi) [Poets of the Third Capital, ed. Yu.P. Zarodov)]. Vsevolod Ivanov. «Bronepoezd 14-69»: Konteksty epokhi [Vsevolod Ivanov. “Armored train 14-69”: Contexts of the era]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2018, рр. 618–676. (In Russ.)
13 Savin I. “Vsekh ubiennykh pomiani, Rossiia…”: Stikhi i proza [“Remember all the victims, Russia ...”: Poems and prose]. Moscow, Grifon Publ., 2007. 424 р. (In Russ.)
14 Sopov Iu. Zakat na reke [Sunset at the River]. Iunost’: nauchno-literaturnyi i obshchestvennyi zhurnal obshcheuchenicheskikh organizatsii Omska, 1918, no 3–4 , рр. 7–8. (In Russ.)
15 Sopov Iu. Iz knigi “Rechnye vechera”: I. Liubov’; II. Odinochestvo [From the book Evenings at the River: I. Love; II. Loneliness]. Zaria: sibirskaia ezhednevnaia obshchestvenno-politicheskaia i literaturnaia gazeta, 1919, no 1, January 1, р. 2. (In Russ.)
16 Sopov Iu. Pomniu ia obedniu ranniuiu… [I remember the early mass...]. Zaria: sibirskaia ezhednevnaia obshchestvenno-politicheskaia i literaturnaia gazeta, 1919, no 5, January 7, р. 2. (In Russ.)
17 Urmanov K. Nasha iunost’. Stranitsy vospominanii [Our youth. Pages of memoirs]. Sibirskie ogni, 1965, no 2, рр. 159–171. (In Russ.)
18 Khlebnikov V. Sobranie sochinenii: v 6 t. [Collected Works: in 6 vols.] Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2003. Vol. 1. 432 р. (In Russ.)
19 Shtyrbul A.A. Vremia, otrazhennoe v tvorchestve [Time reflected in art]. Vsevolod Ivanov. “Bronepoezd 14-69”: Konteksty epokhi [Vsevolod Ivanov. “Armored train 14-69”: Contexts of the era]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2018, рр. 514–577. (In Russ.)
20 Shtyrbul A.A. Dozhit’ do sentiabria. Sud’ba poeta Iuriia Sopova: istoriko-literaturnoe issledovanie [To survive until September. The fate of the poet Yuri Sopov: historical and literary study]. Omsk, OmGPU Publ., 2015. 284 p. (In Russ.)