The author examines the Soviet stage of the prehistory of Siberian musical folklore. The aim of the study is to reveal new musical collections that would be equivalent to their pre-revolutionary predecessors, analyze folklore sources, and evaluate their historical significance. Small number of records and publication of folk songs entailed a discussion of the problems of musical ethnography in the pages of the magazine Sibirskaya Zhivaya Starina in the mid-1920s. Unfortunately, in the period from 1926 to 1944, no valuable song collections (with the exception of the publication of prerevolutionary notes by N.P. Protasov) were added to the bibliography of Russian Siberian folklore music. Of special value is theoretical and practical (collecting) activity of G.S. Vinogradov. His works lay a theoretical foundation for the modern, the so-called “typological” trend in the study of Siberian folklore. The article accredits Vinogradov’s methodological approach to the collection of information about Siberian musicians and musical performance that engages ethnographers who do not have professional musical education.
1 V[inogradov] G. Novaia programma po muzykal’noi etnografii [New program in musical ethnography]. Sibirskaia zhivaia starina, 1925, vol. III–IV. pp. 388–390. (In Russ.)
2 Vinogradov G.S. Etnografiia i sovremennost’ [Ethnography and modernity]. Sibirskaia zhivaia starina, 1923, no 1, pp. 3–21. (In Russ.)
3 Vinogradov G. Detskii narodnyi kalendar’ (Iz ocherkov po detskoi etnografii) [Children’s folk calendar (From essays on children’s ethnography)]. Sibirskaia zhivaia starina, 1924, vol. II, pp. 55–86. (In Russ.)
4 Vinogradov G.S. Iz zapisei fol’klorista. Muzykanty v Tunkinskom krae [From the records of folklore. The musicians in the Tunka region]. Sibirskaia zhivaia starina, 1926, vol. I (V), pp. 38–41. (In Russ.)
5 Vinogradov G.S. Smert’ i zagrobnaia zhizn’ v vozzreniiakh russkogo starozhilogo naseleniia Sibiri [Death and afterlife in the views of the old Russian population of Siberia]. Vostochnaia Sibir’. Tulunovskii uezd. Irkutskaia guberniia. Sbornik trudov i professorov i prepodavatelei Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1923, vol. V, pp. 261–345. (In Russ.)
6 Kvitka K. Professional’nye narodnye pevtsy i muzykanty na Ukraine (programma dlia issledovaniia ikh deiatel’nosti i byta) [Professional folk singers and musicians in Ukraine (program for the study of their activities and life)]. Kvitka K. Izbrannye trudy: v 2 t. [Selected works: in 2 vols.] Moscow, Sovetskii kompozitor Publ.; 1973, vol. 2, pp. 279–343. (In Russ.)
7 Leonova N.V. Iz istorii zapisi muzykal’nogo fol’klora sibirskikh pereselentsev [From the history of recording musical folklore of Siberian immigrants]. Vestnik KemGUKI, 2011, no 17, pp. 88–94. (In Russ.)
8 Lin’kov A.I. Sud’ba bumag N.P. Protasova [The fate of the papers by N.P. Protasov]. Sibirskiy Arkhiv. Zhurnal istorii, arkheologii, etnografii Sibiri, sredney Azii i Dal’nego Vostoka. Irkutsk, 1914, no 2, p. 82. (In Russ.)
9 Protasov N.P. Kak ia zapisyval narodnye pesni [As I was writing down the folk songs]. Izvestiia VSORGO, 1903, vol. XXXIV, no 2, pp. 131–136. (In Russ.)
10 Protasov N.P. Pesni zabaykal’skikh staroobryadtsev [Songs of the Old Believers of Transbaikal]. Sibirskaia zhivaia starina, 1926, vol. II (VI), pp. 217–230. (In Russ.)
11 Protasov N.P. Pesni zabaikal’skikh staroobriadtsev [Songs of the Old Believers of Transbaikal]. Irkutsk, Izd-vo Vostochn-Sib. otdela Gos. Russk. geograf. Obshchestva Publ., 1926. 16 p. (In Russ.)
12 Hromovskih I.S. O narodnoi pesne [About the folk song]. Sibirskaia zhivaia starina, 1925, vol. 3–4, p. 309. (In Russ.)