

For citation:

Panova O.Yu. The First Encounter: “Negro American Literature” in the Soviet Literary Criticism of the 1920s. Studia Litterarum, 2019, vol. 4, no 4, pp. 98–125. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2019-4-4-98-125

Author: Olga Yu. Panova
Information about the author:

Olga Yu. Panova, DSc in Philology, Professor, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1st Humanities building, Leninskie gory, 119991 Moscow, Russia; Leading Senior Researcher, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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Received: April 16, 2019
Published: December 25, 2019
Issue: 2019 Vol. 4, №4
Department: World Literature
Pages: 98-125

UDK: 821.111(73)
BBK: 83.3(7Сое)6
Keywords: American literary history, African American literature, Soviet-American literary connections, Soviet literary criticism, W.E.B. Dubois, Claude McKay, Walter White, Jessie R. Fauset, Carl Van Vechten, politics of literature, translation, publishing strategies, Soviet periodicals, archived materials


Soviet leaders and Comintern stressed the importance of the “Negro problem” in the struggle against American imperialism; African American literature was considered a part of the “battlefield” as well, so an ideologically bound image of “American Negro literature” was on the agenda. First translations of African American literature appear in the early 1920s together with its first reviews and essays (some of them by reputed critics like Ivan Kashkin, Segrei Dinamov, Nikolay Efros). The key figures of the decade were W.E.B. DuBois, Walter White, Jessie R. Fauset, and Claude McKay. McKay’s reputation in the USSR underwent a considerable change during the 1920s: introduced as a revolutionary writer and a “friend of the Soviet Union”, in the late 1902s he was stigmatized as a “petty bourgeois Black nationalist”. Soviet critics analyzed the phenomenon of “Harlem school”, and “the whites writing up the Black” (Carl Van Vechten, Howard W. Odum, Michael Gold, Albert Halper, etc.). The paper traces changes in the vision of African American literature, that lead to new demands set forth in the 1930s and is based on publications of American and Soviet press of the 1920s and archived documents.


1 Berrouz L. Negritianskaia kul’tura v Amerike [Negro culture in America]. Vestnik inostrannoi literatury, 1928, no 10, pp. 146–149. (In Russ.)

2 Burghardt Dubois. Za serebrianym runom [Silver fleece], transl. A.S. Polotskaia. Leningrad, Seiatel’ Publ., 1925. (In Russ.)

3 V.V. [Vasilenko V.] Klod Makkei [Claude McKay]. Krasnaia niva, 1923, no 1, p. 15. (In Russ.)

4 Van Vekhten K. Negritianskii rai [Nigger heaven], transl. by V.O. Tsederbaum. Khar’kov, Proletarii Publ., 1927. 312 p. (In Russ.)

5 Van Vekhten K. Negritianskii rai [Nigger heaven], transl. by A.V. Shvyrov, ed. A.N. Gorlin. Leningrad, Gosizdat Publ., 1928. 318 p. (In Russ.)

6 Vil’son U. Sovremennye negritianskie poety [Contemporary Negro Poets]. Vestnik inostrannoi literatury, 1928, no 6, pp. 146–148. (In Russ.)

7 Vinogradskaya S. Klod Mak-Kei. Domoi v Garlem. Retsenziia [Claude McKay. Home to Harlem. A Review]. Kniga i revoliutsiia, 1929, no 8, p. 59. (In Russ.)

8 Dinamov S. Uolter Uait. Udar po kremniu. Retsenziia [Walter White. Fire in the Flint. A Review]. Knigonosha, 1926, no 5, p. 34. (In Russ.) Studia Litterarum /2019 том 4, № 4 122

9 K-n I. [Kashkin I.A.] Novoe v negritianskoi literature [Novelties of the Negro Literature]. Vestnik inostrannoi literatury, 1928, no 10, pp. 143–149. (In Russ.)

10 Kozitsyn M. Klod Mak-Kei [Claude McKay]. Literaturnyi ezhenedel’nik, 1923, no 8, p. 16. (In Russ.)

11 Lann E. Van Vekhten. Negritianskii rai. Retsenziia [Van Vechten. Nigger Heaven. A Review]. Pechat’ i revoliutsiia, 1928, no 6, pp. 217–219. (In Russ.)

12 Lenin V.I. Pervonachal’nyi nabrosok tezisov po natsional’nomu i kolonial’nomu voprosam (dlia Vtorogo s”ezda Kommunisticheskogo Internatsionala) [Draft of the theses on the national and colonial question (for the II Congress of the Communist Internatonal]. Lenin V.I. Polnoe sobraniie sochinenyi [Collected Works]. Moscow, Izdatel’stvo politicheskoi literatury Publ., 1981, vol. 41, pp. 161–168. (In Russ.)

13 Loks K. Retsenziia na roman U. Uaita “Ogon’ iz kremnia”. Moskva, Nedra Publ., 1926 [Walter White. Fire in the Flint. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 1926. A Review]. Pechat’ i revoliutsiia, 1926, no 8, p. 214. (In Russ.)

14 Makkei K. Amerika. V plenu. Sud Lincha. Ustalyi rabochii [America. Captive. Lynching. Tired worker], transl. V. Vasilenko, P. Okhrimenko. Krasnaia niva, 1923, no 2, p. 22. (In Russ.)

15 Makkei K. Bandzho [Banjo], transl. by Z. Vershinina. Moscow, Gosizdat Publ., 1930. 325 p. (In Russ.)

16 Makkei K. Domoi v Garlem [Home to Harlem], transl. by Z. Vershinina. Vestnik inostrannoi literatury, 1928, no 11, pp. 33–95.

17 Makkei K. Domoi v Garlem [Home to Harlem], transl. by M. Volosov. Moscow, Leningrad, ZiF Publ., 1929. 240 p. (In Russ.)

18 Mak-Kei K. Negry v Amerike [The Negroes in America]. Moscow; Petrograd, Gosizdat Publ., 1923. 135 p. (In Russ.)

19 Makkei K. Neputevyi [Wretched], transl. by N. Iakovlev. Vestnik inostrannoi literatury, 1929, no 5, pp. 111–125. (In Russ.)

20 Makkei K. Prokliatie poraboshchennogo [Curses of the enslaved], transl. by V. Briusov. Sovremennyi zapad, 1923, no 2, p. 112. (In Russ.)

21 Makkei K. Sever i Iug. Stikhi [North and South. Poems], transl. by M. Zenkevich. Vestnik inostrannoi literatury, 1928, no 2, p. 186. (In Russ.)

22 Mak-Kei K. Sudom Lincha. Rasskazy o zhizni negrov v Severnoi Amerike [Lynch law. Stories of Negro life in North Amercia], transl. by A.M., P. Okhrimenko. Moscow, Ogonek Publ., 1925. 45 p. (In Russ.)

23 N. Negritianskaia literatura v Amerike [Negro Literature in America]. Na literaturnom postu, 1928, no 13–14, pp. 79–80. (In Russ.)

24 N.E. [Efros N.] Teatr negrov [Negro theater]. Sovremennyi zapad, 1923, no 3, pp. 223–224. (In Russ.)

25 Negritianskii vopros. Doklad t. Billingsa. Rech’ t. Makkeia [Negro Question. Comrade Billings’ Speech. Comrade McKay’s Speech]. Izvestiia, 1922, Nov. 6. (In Russ.) 

26 Ob odnikh li negrakh? Albert Khouper. Belye opisyvaiut chernykh [About the Negroes only? Albert Halper. Whites Writing Up the Black]. Vestnik inostrannoi literatyry, 1930, no 1, pp. 172–173. (In Russ.)

27 Panova O. Iu. Ekzoticheskii gost’: Klod Makkei v SSSR [Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay and the USSR]. Literature of the Americas, 2019, no 6, pp. 220–256. (In Russ.)

28 Panova O. Iu. Nazad v dzhungli: otzvuki veka dzhaza v poezii amerikanskogo modernizma [Back to the Jungle: “Echoes of the Jazz Age” in American Poetic Modernism]. Vestnik Moscow City Teachers’ Training University, series “Philological Education”, 2012, no 1 (8), pp. 51–59. (In Russ.)

29 Pesis B. Kurs na ar’ergard [Towards rear guard]. Kniga i revoliutsiia, 1930, no 29–30, pp. 16–18. (In Russ.)

30 Revoliutsionnaia poeziia sovremennogo Zapada [Revolutionary poetry in the contemporary West]. Moscow, Moskovskii rabochii, 1927. 22 p. (In Russ.)

31 S. Uait Uolter. “Pobeg”. Retsenziia [White Walter. Flight. A Review]. Kniga i profsoiuzy, 1928, no 1, p. 27. (In Russ.)

32 Startsev A. V Garlem, v Garlem! [To Harlem, to Harlem!]. Oktiabr’, 1931, no 4–5, p. 236. (In Russ.)

33 Uait Uolter. “Ogon’ iz kremnia”. Retsnziia [White Walter. “Fire in the Flint”. A Review]. Pechat’ i revoliutsiia, 1926, no 8, p. 214. (In Russ.)

34 Uait Uolter. Udar po kremniu [Fire in the Flint], abridged transl. by D. Zaslavskii. Leningrad, Priboi Publ., 1925. 196 p. (In Russ.)

35 Uait Uolter. Ogon’ iz kremnia [Fire in the Flint], transl. by A. Sviiazheninov. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 1926. 218 p. (In Russ.)

36 Uait Uolter. Pobeg [Flight], transl. by L. Vsevolodskaia. Leningrad, Mysl’ Publ., 1927. 258 p. (In Russ.)

37 Foset Dzh. Chernaia kozha [Black skin], transl. by M. Volosov. Leningrad, Gosizdat Publ., 1927. 387 p. (In Russ.)

38 Frid Ia. Klod Mak-Kei. Domoi v Harlem [Claude McKay. Home to Harlem]. Novyi mir, 1929, no 6, pp. 237–238. (In Russ.)

39 Chukovskii N. Poet s ostrova Iamaika [A Poet from Jamaica]. Chukovsii N. Literaturnye vospominaniia [Literary memoirs]. Moscow, Sovetskii pisatel’ Publ., 1989. pp. 200–208. (In Russ.)

40 Baldwin K.A. Beyond the Color Line and the Iron Curtain: Reading Encounters Between Black and Red, 1922–1963. Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2002. 360 p. (In English)

41 Carew J.G. Blacks, Reds, and Russians: Sojourners in Search of the Soviet Promise. Trenton, Rutgers University Press, 2009. 296 p. (In English)

42 Cooper W.F. Claude McKay: Rebel Sojourner in the Harlem Renaissance: A Biography. Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University Press, 1987. 441 p. (In English) Studia Litterarum /2019 том 4, № 4 124

43 Dos Passos J. Did the New Playwright’s Theatre Fail? New Masses, vol. 5, no 3 (August 1929), p. 13. (In English)

44 Haas A. “To Russia and Myself”: Claude McKay, Langston Hughes and the Soviet Union. Transatlantic Negotiations, eds. C. Buschendorf, A. Franke. Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, 2007, pp. 111–131. (In English)

45 Halper A. Whites Writing Up the Black. Dial, vol. 86, no 1 (January 1929), pp. 29–30. (In English)

46 Hefner B.E. The World on the Streets: The American Language of Vernacular Modernism. Charlottesville, VA, University of Virginia Press, 2017. 296 p. (In English)

47 Iuliano F. Claude McKay tra Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica: identità afroamericana e utopia socialista. Between, vol. 5, no 10 (2015 November). Available at: http://ojs. (Accessed 03 March 2019). (In English)

48 Logan R.W. The Betrayal of the Negro from Rutherford B. Hayes to Woodraw Wilson. New York, Collier Books, 1965. 447 p. (In English)

49 Logan R.W. The Negro in American Life and Thought: The Nadir, 1877–1901. New York, The Dial Press, 1954. x+380 p. (In English)

50 Maxwell W.J. New Negro, Old Left: African-American Writing and Communism Between the Wars. New York, Columbia University Press, 1999. 254 p. (In English)

51 McKay C. The Negroes in America, ed. A.L. McLeod, transl. R.J. Winter. New York, Kennikat Press, 1979. xviii+97 p. (In English)

52 McKay C. The Racial Issue in the USA. International Press Correspondence, vol. 2, no 101, (1923, November 21), p. 817. (In English)

53 McKay C. Soviet Russia and the Negro. Crisis, vol 27, no 2 (1923, December), pp. 161–165; vol. 27, no 3 (1924, January), pp. 114–118. (In English)

54 McKay C. Trial by Lynching: Stories about Negro Life in North America, transl. R. Winter. Mysore, India, Centre for Commonwealth Literature and Research, 1977. 41 p. (In English)

55 McKay C. Why I Became a Catholic. Ebony, 1946, March, p. 32. (In English)

56 The Negro in Art. How Shall He Be Portrayed. A Symposium. Crisis, (1926. March), vol. 31, no 5, pp. 219–221. (In English)

57 Odum H.W. Rainbow Round my Shoulders; the Blue Trail of Black Ulysses. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1928. 322 p. (In English)

58 Odum H.W. Wings on My Feet: Black Ulysses at the Wars. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1929. 309 p. (In English)

59 Odum H.W. Cold Blue Moon. The Black Ulysses Afar Off. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1931. 277 p. (In English)

60 Report on the Negro Question. Billings. Mc Kay. International Press Correspondence, vol. 3, no 2 (1923, January 5), pp. 14–17. (In English) 

61 Sanders L.M. Howard W. Odum’s Folklore Odyssey. Transformation to Tolerance through African American Folk Studies. Athens & London: The University of Georgia Press, 2003. 184 p. (In English)

62 Tagirova-Daley T.A. Claude McKay’s Liberating Narrative. Russian and Anglophone Caribbean Literary Connections. New York, Peter Lang, 2012. 144 p. (In English)

63 Tagirova-Daley T.A. “A Vagabond with a Purpose”: Claude McKay and His International Aspirations. FIAR. The Journal of the International Association of Inter- American Studies, vol. 7, no 2 (2014, July), pp. 55–71. (In English)

64 Torrence R. Granny Maumee, The Rider of Dreams, Simon the Cyrenian: Plays for a Negro Theater. New York, Macmillan, 1917. 111 p. (In English)

65 Tuerk R. Michael Gold’s Hoboken Blues: An Experiment That Failed. MELUS, vol. 20, no 4 (Winter, 1995), pp. 3–15. (In English)

66 White W. A Man Called White: The Autobiography of Walter White. New York, Viking Press, 1948. 382 p. (In English)

67 Zumoff J. A. Mulattoes, Reds, and the Fight for Black Liberation in Claude McKay’s “Trial by Lynching” and “Negroes in America”. Journal of West Indian Literature, vol. 19, no 1 (2010, November), pp. 22–53. (In English)