The article deals with such element of the Prometheus myth as creation of humans from clay. This variation of the creation myth is present in such early sources as Hesiod and Aesop and in such classical ancient sources as Ovid and Properce; yet overall, it is rare. In late Antiquity, the plot becomes more popular (Pausanias, Hygin, Lucian). Sometimes, Hephaestus replaces Prometheus; sometimes the myth comes together with the Pandora myth, but the moment of animating a clay figure is usually vaguely described. The essay specifically focuses on Mythologies by Fulgentius (5–6 AD): both his narration and interpretation of the myth are rather unique. Fulgentius presents contamination of previous versions (such as stealing the fire from gods and giving it to humans; ascent to heaven; creation of humans from clay; Athena’s help; Pandora; punishment for stealing fire etc). Of particular interest is the stealing of the fire motif: in this version, Prometheus wants to animate humans with the help of fire instead of helping the humankind. The essay examines the etymology of Prometheus’s name and the allegory of the hawk in Fulgentius and pays special attention to the philosophical meaning of the fire that brings humans to life.
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