

For citation:

Prusakova N.V. The Function of Songs in the Fiction by Nadezhda Teffi. Studia Litterarum, 2019, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 240–251. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2019-4-3-240-251

Author: Natalia V. Prusakova
Information about the author:

Natalia V. Prusakova, postgraduate student of the Doctoral school of literary studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Egyetem tér 1-3, 1053 Budapest, Hungary.

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3147-2257

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published: September 25, 2019
Issue: 2019 Vol. 4, №3
Department: Russian Literature
Pages: 240-251

UDK: 821.161.1
BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)6
Keywords: Nadezhda Teffi, music in literature, song, lyrics, text within the text.


The author discusses inclusion of lyrics in fictional texts. The essay offers classification of song elements in Nadezhda Teffi’s fiction depending on the way of their inclusion to the text, their genre, and semantic connection with the text. It also focuses on how melodic and performative levels of a song are conveyed into verbal form. The author analyses the functions of such elements on different textual levels: ideological and thematic, the level of plot and structure, the level of images and symbols, and highlights the role of these elements in the meaningmaking. The research focuses on the fictional texts by Nadezhda Teffi that include citations from songs (folk songs, romances etc.). It specifically analyzes three short stories “Prachechnaia”, “Oni poiut”, “Lestnitsa” [“Laundry”, “They’re singing,” and “Staircase”]. All three share a common theme — Russian laundresses — and draw from the same folk song “Mamashenka branila za milogo druzhka…” [“My Mom scolded me because of my darling”]. The fragments of this song fulfil different functions in the stories altering the author’s position, changing accents, and giving new meaning to the existing oppositions.


1 Lur’e M.L. Gorodskaia pesnia v derevne (iz staroi diskussii o novykh pesniakh) [Urban song in the village (from the old discussion on new songs)]. Vestnik RGGU. Seriia “Istoriia. Filologiia. Kul’turologiia. Vostokovedenie”, 2011, no 9 (71). Available at: novyh-pesnyah-1 (Accessed 17 December 2018). (In Russ.)

2 Panteleimonov B.G. Sobranie sochinenii: v 3 t. [Collected works: in 3 vols.], ed. by I.A. Makhnanova, V.I. Seliuk. Omsk, 2014. Vol. 3. 432 p. (In Russ.)

3 Perepiska Teffi s I.A. i V.N. Buninymi [Teffi’s correspondence with Ivan A. and Vera N. Bunin]. Diaspora: novye materialy [Diaspora: new materials]. Paris, St. Petersburg, 2001, no 2, pp. 477–584. (In Russ.)

4 Pesni Karel’skogo kraia [Songs of Karelia region], ed. by T.V. Krasnopol’skaia. Petrozavodsk, Kareliia Publ., 1977. 263 p. (In Russ.)

5 Russkie pesni Vostochnoi Sibiri: sbornik [Russian songs of Eastern Siberia: collection], ed. by V.P. Zinov’ev and Iu.I. Smirnov. Irkutsk, Izd-vo Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Publ., 2006. 252 p. (In Russ.)

6 Teffi N.A. Sobranie sochinenii: v 5 t. [Collected works: in 5 vols.], ed. by I. Vladimirov. Moscow, Knizhnyi klub Knigovek Publ., 2011. (In Russ.)