The article is devoted to the fate and activities in Russia and Japan of Alexander Alekseevich Vanovsky (1874–1967), a professional Russian revolutionary who became an original religious thinker and literary scholar in Japanese emigration. Particular attention is paid to the history of the reception of Vanovski Japanese folk culture through the prism of the mythological system (“Kojiki” in comparison with the Bible). The article defines the role of the folklore vector of these studies, introduces new materials into scientific circulation, explores the mechanisms of functioning of large and small cultural transfers and continues the research theme “Folklore in the works of Russian philosophers of the first third of the twentieth century (V.V. Rozanov, P.A. Florensky, E.N. Trubetskoy, B.P. Vysheslavtsev, I.A. Ilyin, A.A. Vanovsky)”. For the first time in Russia and in world science, there are given characteristics of the folklore component of the philosophical heritage of A.A. Vanovsky, studied Japanese folk culture as a living tradition, largely determining the development of civilization and the meanings of the national mentality as well as the important role of philosophical folklore, studying ideological dominants and concepts of folklore. Studying the creative heritage of A.A. Vanovsky will help to find and define a harmonic synthesis of philosophy and folklore, which will undoubtedly enrich both philosophical thought and national folklore studies.
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