Author(s)  N.R. Neiman
Information about the author(s)

Nathalie R. Neiman, PhD, Lecturer in English at Holon Insti- Nathalie R. Neiman, PhD, Lecturer in English at Holon Insti tute of Technology

Received  March 27, 2017
Published  June 25, 2017
Issue  2017 Vol. 2, №2
Department  Russian literature
Pages  190-211
DOI  10.22455/2500-4247-2017-2-2-190-211
UDK  81.25
BBK  83+81.2-7

The article discusses the theory and history of literary translation in the Soviet Union,  The article discusses the theory and history of literary translation in the Soviet Union,   namely,  the  dispute  between  Moscow  and  St.  Petersburg  schools  of  translation.  The   main focus is on the chapter from an unfinished Doctorate thesis by a Soviet translator   and translation studies theorist V.Ye. Shor (1917–1971). The thesis entitled How Many   Types of Translation Exist? was turned down by the editors of major academic collections   in the field. Shor opposed ideas supported by the school of I. Kashkin though he did it   indirectly, by criticizing Vachtin, a scholar who did not belong to the Moscow school of   translation. Shor argued against dividing translation into types claiming that the type of   translation should be determined by the original. Instead, he proposed a unified univer sal principle that would define the quality criteria of a translation, substantiate the ne cessity of translator’s creativity, and at the same time adequately render ideas and images   of the original in the language of translation. This paper shows how fierce discussions   between the acolytes of these two schools influenced the decision to reject Shor’s paper   that fostered ideas not corresponding with the mainstream lines in translation studies of the 1960-s.


literary translation, theory and history of translation in the USSR, translation types,  literary translation, theory and history of translation in the USSR, translation types,  word for word translation, loose translation, scientific translation, St. Petersburg school   of translation

Works cited

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