Information about the author(s)  Tatyana A. Agapkina, DSc in Philology, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Ave 32 a, 119991 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received  January 20, 2017
Published  March 25, 2017
Issue  2017 Vol. 2, №1
Department  Folklore Studies
Pages  284-305
DOI  10.22455/2500-4247-2017-2-1-284-305
UDK  398
BBK  82
Abstract  The essay focuses on the mythopoetic image of the apple tree and its ritual use in traditional culture and folklore of the Slavic nations. The work employs folklore material alongside ethnographic and linguistic data that accentuates and develops the folklore symbolism of the apple tree. I argue that this image is comprised of a number of relatively autonomous fragments. The apple tree and its apples are a family metaphor of a kind symbolizing a mother and a child. In wedding folklore, the apple tree stands for a bride as the wedding ritual testifies; apple tree branches are widely used in the ritual itself (as a ritual tree or as material used in the making of a wedding banner, wedding wreaths, decorations for a wedding loaf [karavai], etc.). Another manifestation of the apple tree in folklore is the tree of knowledge; it relates the image to a large number of legendary etiological plots such as: Eve’s temptation by the Serpent, fall of Eve and Adam, the origin of Adam’s Apple (adam), prohibition to eat apples before the church holiday of Transfiguration and some others. At the same time, their autonomy regardless, the fragments of the mythopoetic image of the apple tree form part of the solid folklore universe and counteract with each other within this framework.
Keywords  apple tree, symbolism, ethnobotany, Slavs
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