Doctor Habil.,
professor at University of Milan
Graduated from Ruhr-Universität Bochum
PhD thesis:
Studien zu den burlesken Dichtungen V.I. Majkovs (1996)
DSc (Habil.) thesis:
Literatur und Öffentlichkeit. Literarische und philologische Vereinigungen im vorrevolutionären Russland (2002)
Research interests: Russian studies, Polonistics, literary studies, history of culture, bibliography, Russian culture and literature of the eighteenth-century century, Polish culture and literature of the eighteenth-century, history of the culture of the Silver Age, the first wave of Russian emigration, Russian popular printed graphics (lubok).
Professional service
Member of the Editorial Board of the RAS book series Literary heritage
Member of the Editorial board of the following journals: Studia Litterarum (Moscow), Literarny fakt (Moscow), Ezhegodnik doma Russkogo Zarubezhia
Member of the book series Library of the journal “Quaestio Rossica" (Ekaterinburg)
Member of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia (UK)
Academic publications — over 130 publications.
Selected publications
- Emigrantica. Issue 1: In memory of Oleg Korostelev, ed.-comp. E.R. Ponomarev, sci. ed. E.R. Ponomarev, M. Schruba, ed. M.S. Shchavlinskii, D.V. Zaitsev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, 752 p. In Russ.
- Emigrantica et cetera: On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Oleg Korostelev, ed. by E.R. Ponomarev, M. Shruba. Moscow, Dmitrii Sechin Publ., 2019. 960 p. In Russ.
- Encyclopedia of the Pseudonyms in the Russian Émigré Literature in Europe (1917–1945). Мoscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2018. In Russ.
- Pseudonyms of the Russian Diaspora. Materials and Research, ed. by M. Shruba and O. Korostelev. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2016. 652 p. In Russ.
- “Modern Notes” (Paris, 1920-1940). From the Editorial Archive, vol. 1–4, ed. by M. Shruba and O. Korostelev. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2011–2014. In Russ.
- Around the Editorial Archive of “Contemporary Notes” (Paris, 1920-1940): Digest of Articles and Materials, ed. by M. Shruba and O. Korostelev. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2010. 552 p. In Russ.
- Literary Unions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1890–1917: Guide. Мoscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2004. In Russ.
- Studien zu den burlesken Dichtungen V.I. Majkovs. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1997. In German
Selected Essays
- “Georgii Adamovich and ‘Russian Annals’.” Emigrantica. Issue 1: In memory of Oleg Korostelev, ed.-comp. E.R. Ponomarev, sci. ed. E.R. Ponomarev, M. Schruba, ed. M.S. Shchavlinskii, D.V. Zaitsev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 174‒191. In Russ.
- “Around the Book by J.I. Basin ‘National Images of Industrialists’ (1799).” The XVIII Century. Collection 31. Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Al'ians-Arkheo Publ., 2024, pp. 308‒336. In Russ.
- “‛The Play of Smenovekhovskaya. Forbid:’ about Tatyana Mayskaya’s Comedy ‛Russia no. 2’ (1922).” Culture of the Diaspora: Themes and Variations: Collection of Articles, ed. by A.A. Danilevsky, S.N. Dotsenko. Moscow, Flinta Publ., Nauka Publ., 2022, pp. 113–123. In Russ.
- “A Futurist Emulation of Horace.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 1 (19), 2021, pp. 297 –311. In Russ.
- “The Journal ʽRussian Annals’ (Paris; Shanghai, 1937–1939): Table of Contents.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (21), 2021, pp. 352–392. In Russ.
- “Ivan Bunin and the ‛Russian Annals’.” I.A. Bunin and His Time: Context of Life — History of Work, ex. eds. T.M. Dvinyatina and S.N. Morozov, eds. A.V. Bakuntsev and E.R. Ponomarev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021, pp. 176–190. In Russ.
- “B.N. Shiryaev’s Book of 1946 on Modern Russian Literature.” Dipiytsy: Materials and Research, ex. ed. P.A. Tribunsky. Moscow, Dom russkogo zarubezh'ia im. A. Solzhenitsyna Publ., 2020, pp. 211–221. In Russ.
- “Towards a Typology of Literary Associations in Prerevolutionary Russia.” Rhema, no. 4, 2020, pp. 23–48. In Russ.
- “Stepun and Valentinov (Volski).” Unacknowledged Legislators. Studies in Russian Literary History and Poetics in Honor of Michael Wachtel, e by L. Fleishman, D.M. Bethea, and I. Vinitsky. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 979–992. In Russ.
- “On the Editorial Archive of the Journal ‛Russian Notes’.” Emigrantica et cetera: On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Oleg Korostelev, ed. by E.R. Ponomarev, M. Shruba. Moscow, Dmitrii Sechin Publ., 2019, pp. 482–499. In Russ.
- “M.Yu. Morozov — Swiss Correspondent of V.V. Rudnev.” Crossing Destinies: Literarische und kulturelle Beziehungen zwischen Russland und dem Westen. A Festschrift for Fedor B. Poljakov, ed. by L. Fleishman, S.M. Newerkla, and M. Wachtel. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2019, pp. 439–460. In Russ.
- “Mito e leggenda dell’Ottobre: Mark Višnjak e Georgij Fedotov sulla Rivoluzione russa.” Ancora sulla rivoluzione russa. Atti del Convegno “Linguaggio, potere e ideologia nel centenario della Rivoluzione Russa”, 9 novembre 2017, a cura di L. Goletiani e A. Franco. Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2019, pp. 69–77. In Italian
- “Vadim Andreev in the Journal and Publishing House ‛Russian Notes’.” Across Borders: 20th Century Russian Literature and Russian-Jewish Cultural Contacts: Essays in Honor of Vladimir Khazan, ed. by L. Fleishman and F. Poljakov. Berlin, Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 499–534. In Russ.
- “Letters from V.V. Nabokov to V.F. Khodasevich and N.N. Berberova (1930–1939). Letter from N. Bereberova to V. Nabokov”, publ. and notes by A. Babikov and M. Schruba; introd. A. Babikova. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 217–248. In Russ.
- “On the Adjective Pseudonyms. Concerning the Feuilleton by Gulliver (V.F. Khodasevich).” Literary Life. Articles. Publications. Memoirs. Commemoration of A.Yu. Galushkina, ed. by V.V. Polonsky, comp. by M.L. Spivak, M.P. Odesskii. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017, pp. 304–314. In Russ.
- “V.V. Nabokov and the Review Russian Annals.” Russkaia literatura, 2024, no. 2, pp. 211‒217. In Russ.
- “The Western‑European Tradition of Depicting the Chameleon in Russian Popular Prints.” QuaestioRossica, vol. 10, no. 1, 2022, pp. 96–115. DOI: 10.15826/qr.2022.1.661.
- “Dandyism and Libertinage in Russian Popular Paintings.” Russian Literature, vol. 76, no. 1–2, 2014, pp. 151–165. In Russ.
- “‛Ars poetica’ by М.М. Kheraskov.” Russian Literature, vol. 75, no. 1–4, 2014, pp. 535–561. (Co-authored with: Michela Venditti, Naples). In Russ.
- “Russland als Schauplatz der polnischen Gegenwartsliteratur (Sławomir Mrożek, Janusz Głowacki, Jacek Dukaj).” Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Bd. 68, Heft 2, 2011, S. 359–375. In German
- “Zur Typologie intertextueller Verfahren (Čechov bei Akunin, Sorokin, Głowacki und Mamet).” Zeitschrift für Slawistik, Bd. 53, Heft 4, 2008, S. 438–455. In German
- “Frivol-satirische Dichtungen des polnischen Barock und die westeuropäische Epigrammatik des 17. Jahrhunderts.” Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Bd. 65, Heft 1, 2007/2008, S. 25–49. In German
- “Arten und Funktionen intertextueller Bezüge in den Dramen Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewiczs.” Zeitschrift für Slawistik, Bd. 50, Heft 2, 2005, S. 161–174. In German
- “Polnische libertine Dichtungen der Aufklärungszeit im europäischen Kontext.” Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Bd. 62, Heft 1, 2003, S. 127–147. In German
- “Intertextuelles und Poetologisches zum ‛Uznik’ A.S. Puškins.” Zeitschrift für Slawistik, Bd. 47, Heft 4, 2002, S. 423–431. In German
- “Gore ot ženskogo uma: A.A. Šachovskojs Kokette vor dem Hintergrund der Figurentypologie der russischen Komödie des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts.” Zeitschrift für Slawistik, Bd. 43, Heft 3, 1998, S. 327–335. In German
Teaching (present)
Professor of Russian culture history at the University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di scienze della mediazione linguistica e culturale).