tufanovaDSc in Philology,

Leading Research Fellow

Department of Old Russian literature, IWL RAS

Head of the Department of Scientific Editorship, IWL RAS


Graduated from the Philology Department of the Moscow Pedagogical State University cum laude (1994)

PhD thesis: 

The Death of Faith in the Work of Protopope Avvacum: Major Tragic Motifs, Symbols and Images (2006)

DSc thesis: 

Russian Written Monuments on the Time of Troubles as an Artistic Phenomenon (2020)

Research interests: poetics and hermeneutics of Old Russian literature, poetics and hermeneutics of Russian literature of the Troubled Times, comparative studies, the work of protopope Avvacum

Professional service

Editor-in-Chief of the serial scientific Edition Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature]

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studia Litterarum

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Slavianskii mir v tret'em tysiacheletii

01.09.2007 – 01.02.2016 — Head of the Editorial office of the State Academy of Slavic Culture

Awards and distinctions

Medal of the international recognition “60 years anniversary of the United Nations,” “Deeds for good of nations” (24.05.2009)


Academic publications — over 65 publications, including 2 monographs.

Selected publications


  • Literary Interconnections between the West and the East in the Nineteenth Century and the Old Russian Literature on the Time of Troubles as an Artistic Phenomenon. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2019. 576 p. DOI: 10.22455/978-5-9208-0605-5. In Russ.
  • Тhe Work of Protopope Avvacum: The Poetics of the Tragic. Мoscow, Sputnik+ Publ., 2007. In Russ.

Edited Collections

  • Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 20, ed.-in-chief O.A. Tufanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021. 656 р. DOI: 10.22455/HORL.1607-6192-2021-20. In Russ.
  • Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 19, ed.-in-chief О.А. Tufanova. Moscow, IWL RAS, 2020. 656 p. DOI: 10.22455/978-5-9208-0610-9. In Russ.
  • Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 18, ed.-in-chief О.A. Tufanova. Мoscow, Berlin, Directmedia Publishing, 2019. 484 p. DOI: 10.23681/499293. In Russ.
  • Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 15, ex. ed. О.A. Tufanova. Moscow, Manuscripts of Old Russia Publ., 2010. In Russ.
  • Writer in the Context of His Time: The Problem of Scholarly Commentary, co-edited with Vladimir I. Melnik. Moscow, GASK Publ., 2011. In Russ.
  • Problems of Cultural Studies, co-edited with Irina G. Strahovskaya. Moscow, GASK Publ., 2010. Issue IX. In Russ.

Selected Essays

  • “Poetry of Fact in the ‘Tale and Story… How Did God Get Rid of Evil and Fierce Heretic Grishka Otrepev’ from the Manuscript Compilation of T. F. Bolshakov Collection.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, 2023, vol. 69, pp. 300–311. https://doi.org/10.37816/2073-9567-2023-69-300-311 In Russ.  
  •  “The ‛Villains’ and the ‛Good People’ in a Pskov Chronicle. On the Tumult and Internecine War and Retreat of the Pskov People from Moscow State.” Novyi filologicheskii vestnik, vol. 43, no. 4, 2017, pp. 59–69. DOI: 10.24411/2072-9316-2017-00014. In Russ.
  • “‛Going to the Throne’: Moscow as a Symbol of Political Attraction in the So Called Other Narrative.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, vol. 40, no. 2, 2016, pp. 193–202. In Russ.
  • “Representation of Сities and Localities in the Other Narrative.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, vol. 37, no. 3, 2015, pp. 144–154. In Russ.
  • “Depiction of 1601–1603 Famine Years in Russian and Foreign Sources about the Time of Troubles.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, vol. 24, no. 2, 2012, рр. 77–83. In Russ.
  • “Semantics and Peculiarities of ‛Wolves’ – ‛Sheep’ Metaphor Use in the So-called ‛The Other Legend’.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, vol. 19, no. 1, 2011, pp. 75–81. In Russ.
  • “ʽThe Bloodthirsty Lion’ Grishka Otrepyev.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, vol. 11, no. 1, 2009, pp. 89–103. In Russ.
  • “Interpretation of the Plot of Adam and Eve in The Story about how Boris Godunov Stole a Throne by Deceit.” Filologicheskie nauki, no. 3, 2009, pp. 94–102. In Russ.
  • “The Symbol of ‛Inorog’ in Vremennik by Ivan Timofeev.” Drevnnia Rus, no. 2, 2008, pp. 118–128. In Russ.
  • “The Martyrs in the Works by Protopope Avvacum.” Philologicheskie nauki, no. 2, 2006, pp. 101–109. In Russ.

Scopus, Web of Science

  • “Denunciations of Sorcery as Demonic Possession in Old Russian Izmaragd.” Quaestio Rossica, vol. 11, no. 1, 2023, pp. 19–33. DOI 10.15826/qr.2023.1.773. In Russ. 
  • “Rhymed Couplets on Drunkenness as a Poetry Sermon.” Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature]. Issue 22. Ed.-in-chief O.A. Tufanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2023, pp. 357–384. https://doi.org/10.22455/HORL.1607-6192-2023-22-357-384 In Russ. 
  • “Plots about an Elephant in the Notes on Muscovy by Heinrich von Staden and in Old Russian Literature of the 12th–16th Centuries.” Studia Litterarum, vol. 7, no. 4, 2022, pp. 126–141. https://doi.org/10.22455/2500-4247-2022-7-4-126-141 In Russ. 
  • “The Parables in Ivan Timofeev’s ‛Temporary’: Typology and Artistic Specific.” Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 20, ed.-in-chief O.A. Tufanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021, pp. 292–313. DOI: 10.22455/HORL.1607-6192-2021-20-292-313. In Russ.
  • “The Tale about a Sinful Mother: Late Revision of the Text in a Manuscript Collection of the Tales from the Collection on the Temporary Catalogue of Moscow Theological Academy (MTA) Library.” Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 19, ed.-in-chief O.A. Tufanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2020, pp. 104–117. DOI: 10.22455/978-5-9208-0610-9-104-117. In Russ.
  • “Foresights of Protopope Terence in the Context of the Contemporaries Works on Times of Troubles.” Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature], issue 18, ex. ed. О.A. Tufanova. Мoscow, Berlin, Directmedia Publishing, 2019, pp. 413–438. DOI: 10.23681/500158. In Russ.
  • “The Tale of Khan Tokhtamysh’ Invasion of Moscow: Paradoxes of Regret.” Studia Litterarum, vol. 6, no. 3, 2021, pp. 134–147. DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2021-6-3-134-147. In Russ.
  • “Stories about the Murder of Prokopy Lyapunov in Contemporaries Writing on the Time of Trouble.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul'tur, vol. 60, 2021, pp. 114–122. DOI: 10.37816/2073-9567-2021-60-114-122. In Russ.
  •  “‛When You Love Somebody, You Look after Them…’: Motif of Love for Children in the Works of Protopope Avvakum.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul'tur, vol. 56, 2020, pp. 89–100. DOI: 10.37816/2073-9567-2020-56- 89-100. In Russ.
  • “Political Legend in the Historical Narratives of the First Third of the 17th Century.” Novyi filologicheskii vestnik, no. 4, 2019, pp. 111–122. In Russ. DOI: 10.24411/2072-9316-2019-00094.
  • “‛Non-Heroic’ Heroes: Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry M. Pozharsky in the Historical Narratives of the First Third of the 17th Century.” Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki, no. 3 (77), 2019, pp. 125–135. In Russ. DOI: 10.25986/IRI.2019.77.3.012.
  • “Kuz'ma Minin in ‛The Тale of the Victories of the Moscow State’.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul'tur, vol. 52, 2019, pp. 132–142. In Russ.
  • “On the Riddle of Pskov Chronicles ‛Tale of Woes and Misfortunes…’: Foreword and Text.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul'tur, vol. 47, 2018, pp. 159–168. In Russ.


Teaching experience

Associate Professor at the Department of Philology and Slavic Philology at the Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art), Institute of Slavic Culture (2006–2017).

Lecture courses: “History of Old Russian Literature,” “Poetics of Old Russian Literature,” “Russian Folklore.” Seminars: “Editorial Practice: Basic Course,” “References.” Supervision of term papers and diplomas.