E.A. Zachevsky’s book is the first study about the Western German author Wolfgang Koeppen (1906–1996). For the first time in the national and international literary studies, the monograph offers a detailed survey of the writer’s life and work as well as defines his place and role in the 20th century German literature. The author analyzes philosophic views as well as the properties of his fictional world and highlights the key moments of his peculiar poetic manner. The book touches upon the main issues of the German literary process and integrates Koeppen’s work into this process which allows us to read the volume as a mini-history of 20th century German literature.
1 Zachevskii A. Chelovek, kotoryi lgal, govoria pravdu. Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo Vol’fganga Keppena [The Man who lied while telling the truth. The life and work of Wolfgang Koeppen]. St. Petersburg, Kriga Publ., 2019. 752 p. (In Russ.)
2 Döring Ich stellte mich unter, ich machte mich klein. Wolfgang Koeppen. 1933–1948. Basel; Frankfurt am Main, Stroemfeld Verlag, 2003. 358 S. (In German)
3 Erhart Wolfgang Koeppen. Das Scheitern moderner Literatur. Konstanz, University Press, Konstanz, 2012. 463 S. (In German)
4 Erlach Wolfgang Koeppen als zeitkritischer Erzähler. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1973. 240 S. (In German)
5 Fischer E. Wolfgang Koeppen in Greifswald: Menschen und Orte. Berlin, Edition A.B. Fischer, 2007. 32 S. (In German)
6 Häntzschel “Ich wurde eine Romanfigur”. Wofgang Koeppen, 1906–1996. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2006. 175 S. (In German)
7 Koeppen Werke: In 16 Bänden, Hrsg. von H.-U. Treichel. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2006. (In German)
8 Kußmann Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Ich. Wolfgang Koeppens Spätwerk. Würzburg, Königshausen und Neumann, 2001. 211 S. (In German)
9 Reich-Ranicki Wolfgang Koeppen. Zürich, Amman-Verlag, 1996. 176 S. (In German)