The “New York School” refers to a group of poets and painters, mostly of the Abstract Expressionist movement, who congregated in New York in the first two decades following the end of the Second World War. They constitute a coterie that has been characterized as America’s “last avant-garde”. Among its most prominent members was Frank O’Hara (1926–1966). Like other members of the New York School of poets, he was strongly influenced by the French and Russian avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century. He was particularly drawn to the works of Vladimir Mayakovsky, whose persona and poetry are frequently referenced in his own oeuvre. The present study seeks to establish the origins of O’Hara’s interest in the Russian poet, the sources he consulted in familiarizing himself with Mayakovsky’s work, and the trajectory of references to Mayakovsky that documents how his avant-garde aesthetic both accommodates and distances itself from that of his Russian forebear.
1 Voznesenskii A. Tridtsat’ otstuplenii iz poemy “Treugol’naia grusha” [Thirty digressions from the poem “The Triangular Pear”]. Znamia, 1962, no 4, 60–80. (In Russ.)
2 Krusanov V. Russkii avangard 1907–1932. Istoricheskii obzor [Russian avant-garde 1907–1932. An historical overview]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2003–2010, vol. 1, 771 p.; vol. 2, book 1, 806 p.; vol. 2, book 2, 607 p. (In Russ.)
3 Maiakovskii V. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii: v 13 t. [Complete works: in 13 vols.]. Moscow, GIKhL Publ., 1955–1961, vol. 1, 464 p.; vol. 2, 520 p.; vol. 12, 716 p. (In Russ.)
4 Pasternak B. Sobranie sochinenii: v 5 t. [Collected works: in 5 vols.]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaia literatura , 1991, vol. 4: Povesti. Stat’i. Ocherki [Novellas. Essays. Sketches]. 910 p. (In Russ.)
5 Russkii futurizm: Praktika. Kritika. Vospominaniia [Russian Futurism: Theory. Practice. Criticism. Memoirs], comp. V.N. Terekhina, A.P. Zimenkov. Moscow, IWL RAS, Nasledie Publ., 2000. 479 p. (In Russ.)
6 Khardzhiev I. Maiakovskii i zhivopis’ [Mayakovsky and painting]. Maiakovskii. Materialy i issledovaniia, ed. by V.O. Pertsov and M.I. Serebrianskii. Moscow, GIKhL Publ., 1940, pp. 337–400. (In Russ.)
7 Shershenevich Zelenaia ulitsa. Stat’i i zametki ob iskusstve [Green street. Essays and notes about art]. Moscow, Pleiady, 1916. 139 p. (In Russ.)
8 Allen (ed.). The New American Poetry, 1945–1960. New York, Grove Press, 1960. 454 p. (In English)
9 Ashbery Introduction. The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara, ed. by D. Allen. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971, pp. vii–xi. (In English)
10 Bowers The City Limits: Frank O’Hara’s Poetry. Frank O’Hara: To Be True to a City, ed. by J. Elledge. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1990, pp. 321–333. (In English)
11 Deutsch , Yarmolinsky A. (eds., transl.). Russian Poetry: An Anthology. London, Martin Lawrence Ltd., 1927. 254 p. (In English)
12 Diggory Encyclopedia of the New York School Poets. New York, Infobase Publishing, 2009. xiii+560 p. (In English)
13 Diggory , Miller S.P. (eds.). The Scene of My Selves: New Work on New York School Poets. Orono, Maine, The National Poetry Foundation, 2001. 417 p. (In English)
14 Elledge (ed.). Frank O’Hara: To Be True to a City. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1990. xii+399 p. (In English)
15 Epstein Beautiful Enemies: Friendship and Postwar American Poetry. Oxford and New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. xvi+359 p. (In English)
16 Feldman Frank O’Hara. Boston, Twayne Publ., 1979. 172 p. (In English)
17 Ginsberg A. [Undated interview]. Available at: <https://allenginsberg.org/2013/02/ spontaneous-poetics-32-reading-list-3-mayakovsky-and-kenneth-koch/> (accessed 05.2019). (In English)
18 Gooch City Poet: The Life and Times of Frank O’Hara. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. xiv+532 p. (In English)
19 Goodman Advance-Guard Writing, 1900–1950. The Kenyon Review, 1951, vol. 13, no 3 (Summer), pp. 357–380. (In English)
20 Gray Urban Pastoral: Natural Currents in the New York School. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 2010. xi+252 p. (In English)
21 Johnson A Question Mark Above the Sun: Documents on the Mystery Surrounding a Famous Poem “by” Frank O’Hara. Buffalo, New York, Starcherone Books, 2012. 240 p. (In English)
22 Jones Poetic Language: Theory and Practice from the Renaissance to the Present. Edinburgh, Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2012. vii+207 p. (In English)
23 Koch Poetry Chronicles. Partisan Review, 1961, vol. 28, no 1 (January–February), pp. 130–136. (In English)
24 Koch K. All the Imagination Can Hold. Frank O’Hara: To Be True to a City, ed. By J. Elledge. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1990, pp. 31–37. (In English)
25 Koch , Farrell K. (eds.) Sleeping on the Wing: An Anthology of Modern Poetry with Essays on Reading and Writing. New York, Vintage, 1982. xvii+313 p. (In English)
26 Laxton Surrealism at Play. Durham and London, Duke Univ. Press, 2019. xvi+363 p. (In English)
27 Lehman The Last Avant-garde: The Making of the New York School of Poets. New York, Doubleday, 1998. 433 p. (In English)
28 LeSueur Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O’Hara: A Memoir. New York, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003. xxvii+305 p. (In English)
29 Lindsay (ed., transl.) Russian Poetry, 1917–1955. London, The Bodley Head, 1957. 156 p. (In English)
30 Magee Tribes of New York, Frank O’Hara, Baraka, and the Poetics of the Five Spot. Contemporary Literature, 2001, vol. 42, no 4 (Winter), pp. 694–726. (In English)
31 Markov Russian Futurism: A History. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Univ. of California Press, 1968. xi+467 p. (In English)
32 Mayakovsky Mayakovsky and His Poetry, comp. by H. Marshall. London, The Pilot Press, 1945. iv+157 p. (In English)
33 Mayakovsky The Bedbug and Selected Poetry, ed. by P. Blake. New York, Meridian Books, Inc., 1960. 317 p. (In English)
34 Mayakovsky Selected Poetry, ed. by D. Rottenberg. Moscow, Foreign Language Publ. House, 1960. 132 p. (In English)
35 Nordau Entartung. Berlin, Verlag von Carl Duncker, 1892. Bd. 1. 428 S. (In German)
36 O’Brien Bardic Deadlines: Reviewing Poetry, 1984–95. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1998. viii+131 p. (In English)
37 O’Hara The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara, ed. by D. Allen. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971. xxix+586 p. (In English)
38 O’Hara Standing Still and Walking in New York, ed. by D. Allen. Bolinas, CA, Grey Fox Press, 1975. vii+184 p. (In English)
39 O’Hara Early Writing, ed. by D. Allen. Bolinas, CA, Gray Fox Press, 1977. 163 p. (In English)
40 O’Hara Poems Retrieved, ed. by D. Allen. Bolinas, CA, Grey Fox Press, 1977. xvi+242 p. (In English)
41 Pasternak B. The Collected Prose Works, arranged with an introduction by S. Schimanski. London: Lindsay Drummond Ltd., 1945. 213 p. (In English)
42 Pasternak Selected Writings. Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1949. 288 p. (In English)
43 Perloff Frank O’Hara: Poet Among Painters, 2nd ed. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998. xxxv+234 p. (In English)
44 Perloff Over the Last Limit: Resurrecting Vladimir Mayakovsky. Boston Review, 2008, vol. 33, no 4, pp. 45–47. (In English)
45 Pollak N. Pasternak and the Poets of the New York Novoe o Pasternakakh: Materialy Pasternakovskoi konferentsii 2015 g. v Stenforde, ed. by L. Fleishman. Moscow, Azbukovnik, pp. 581–591. (In English)
46 Reavey , Slonim M. (eds.). Soviet Literature: An Anthology. London, Wishart & Co., 1933. 426 p.; New York, Covici, Friede, Inc., 1934. 430 p. (In English)
47 Roberts Barry MacSweeney and the Politics of Post-War British Poetry: Seditious Things. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. xii+241 p. (In English)
48 Schmidt Frank’s Russia. Homage to Frank O’Hara, ed. by B. Berkson and J. LeSueur. Berkeley, Creative Art Book Company, 1980, pp. 194–195. (In English)
49 Schuyler Poet and Painter Overture. The New American Poetry, ed. by D. Allen. New York, Grove Press, 1960, pp. 418–419. (In English)
50 Shattuck The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant-garde in France. Revised ed. New York, Vintage Books, 1968. xiv+397 p. (In English)
51 Shaw Frank O’Hara: The Poetics of Coterie. Iowa City, Univ. of Iowa Press, 2006. x+332 p. (In English)
52 Silverberg The New York School Poets and the Neo-Avant-Garde: Between Radical Art and Radical Chic. Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2010. 296 p. (In English)
53 Silverberg (ed.) New York School Collaborations: The Color of Vowels. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. vi+268 p. (In English)
54 Smith H. Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O’Hara. Liverpool: Liverpool Press, 2000. ix+230 p. (In English)
55 Stahlberger Scene, City and Nature. The Symbolic System of Majakovskij. The Hague, Mouton, 1964, pp. 44–63. (In English)
56 Stein Everything the Opposite: A Literary Basis for the Anti-Literary in Frank O’Hara’s Lunch Poems. Frank O’Hara: To Be True to a City, ed. by J. Elledge. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1990, pp. 358–379. (In English)
57 Voznesensky Negro Voice & Bongos, tr. by A. Hollo. Evergreen Review, 1963, vol. 7, no 28 (Jan.–Feb.), pp. 46–47. (In English)
58 Yarmolinsky (ed.) A Treasury of Russian Verse. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1949. xix+314 p. (In English)