This article bears on the previous research of folkloristic works by Alexander Vanovsky in the field of Japan folklore studies. The research was initiated in 2018 by the article “Japanese Folklore in the Works of A.A. Vanovsky and Their Importance for the Russian-Japanese Cultural Transfer” (Studia Litterarum [7, p. 276–297]). It introduces works by an outstanding 20th century philosopher Alexander Vanovsky, a professional Russian revolutionary who became an original religious thinker and an interesting literary critic in Japanese emigration. Vanovsky paid much attention to the development of Russian-Japanese comparative studies. This article enriches Japanese, European, and Russian folklore studies, by offering new interpretation of the ancient Japan epic. The study of Vanovsky’s heritage allows us to establish a harmonious synthesis of folklore studies and philosophy that is beneficial for both philosophical thought (especially the cognition theory) and the study of folklore in Russia.
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2 Vanovsky A.A. Mif o tvorenii v Kodziki i Biblii. Otryvki iz knigi “Vulkany i Solnce” [The creation myth in the Kojiki and the Bible. Excerpts from the book Volcanoes and the Sun]. In: Yakovenko M.M. Mechtatel’. Povest’ o A.A. Vanovskom [A Dreamer. The story of Alexander A. Vanovsky]. Moscow, 1999, pp. 37–47. (In Russ.)
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5 Meletinskii E.M. Poetika mifa [The poetics of the myth]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1976. 407 p. (In Russ.)
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