This article introduces a remarkable monument of the Russian literature — an illustrated manuscript collection of encyclopedic content, compiled at the beginning of the 17th century. It includes the only known list of The Chronicle of Heavenly Signs so far. An unknown author collected from various historical texts, chronicles and annals, descriptions of solar and lunar eclipses, meteorite falls and movements of comets, phenomena of halo and auroras. Along with the text, the manuscript contains drawings of astronomical and atmospheric events.
1 Vorontsov-Vel’iaminov B.A. Ocherki istorii astronomii v Rossii [Essays on the History of Astronomy in Russia]. Moscow, Gostehizdat Publ., 1956. 397 p. (In Russ.)
2 Markelov G.V. “Iavisia na nebesi znamenie chiudno” [A Miraculous Sign Appeared in the Sky]. O drevnei i novoi literature: Sb. st. v chest’ N.S. Demkovoi [On the Ancient and New Literature. Collection of Articles in Honor of N.S. Demkova]. St. Petersburg, Filologicheskii fakul’tet SPbGU Publ., 2005, pp. 42–51. (In Russ.)
3 Markelov G.V. O “Letopistse nebesnykh znamenii”, letopisnom pamiatnike nachala XVII v. [On “The Chronicler of the Heavenly Signs”, a Chronicle Monument of the Early 17th Century]. Piatye Likhachevskie chteniia. Russkaia kul’tura: istoriia i ekologiia. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [The Fifth Lihachev Readings. Russian Culture: History and Ecology. Materials of the International Scientific Conference]. Yasnaya Polyana, 2016, pp. 276–283. (In Russ.)
4 Markelov G.V., Sirenov A.V. O lichnosti avtora “Letopistsa o nebesnykh znameniiakh” [On the Identity of the Author of “The Chronicler of the Heavenly Signs”]. Russkaia literatura, 2016, no 2, pp. 58–65. (In Russ.)
5 Markelov G.V., Sirenov A.V. Ikonografiia litsevogo Letopistsa o nebesnykh znameniiakh [The Iconography of the Illustrated “Chronicler of the Heavenly Signs”]. Vestnik SPbGU. Istoriia, 2017, no 62 (2), pp. 319–338. (In Russ.)
6 Sviatskii D.O. Kometa 1680 g. v Rossii [The Comet of 1680 in Russia]. Mirovedenie, 1929, no 6, pp. 350–353. (In Russ.)
7 Sviatskii D.O. Astronomiia v Drevnei Rusi [Astronomy in the Ancient Russia]. Moscow, Russkaia panorama Publ., 2007. 664 p. (In Russ.)
8 Simonov R.A. Russkaia astrologicheskaia knizhnost’ (XI — pervaia chetvert’ XVIII veka) [Russian Astrological Booklore (11th — the first Quarter of the 18th Century)]. Moscow, Mir knigi Publ., 1998. 147 p. (In Russ.)