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Kopcha N.A. “Siberian Possibilities”: German Reception of Dostoevsky. Studia Litterarum, 2018, vol. 3, no 3, pp. 82-93. (In German) DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2018-3-3-82-93

Author: Nataliya A. Kopcha
Information about the author:

Nataliya A. Kopcha, PhD student, Russian State University for the Humanities, Miusskaya 6, 125993 Moscow, Russia.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received: January 23, 2018
Published: September 25, 2018
Issue: 2018 Vol. 3, №3
Department: World Literature
Pages: 82-93

UDK: 821.161.1.0+ 821.112.2.0
BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)52 + 83.3(4Гем)53
Keywords: Siberia, Dostoevsky, Conservative revolution, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, the people, nihilism


At the beginning of the 20 th century, in Germany that was going through a period of cultural pessimism and crisis of conservative values, a new political dimension eloped in the German reception of Dostoyevsky. Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, essayist and future ideologist of Conservative revolution, the author of the book Third Reich developed such approach. From 1906 through 1919, he published the first complete works of the Russian writer in German that influenced further adaptation of Dostoyevsky. The aim of this article is to analyze the perception of Siberia in the prefaces written by Moeller with no other purpose but to declare new conservative views. The analyzed sources are devoted to a subject of Siberia which is considered by Moeller in different political and socio-philosophical categories. The author comes to a conclusion that Moeller sees Siberia (1) as a place where Dostoyevsky had changed his views and had discovered the “true” Russian people; (2) as a territory whose population had revolutionary moods coming not “from the doctrine” but “from the instinct”; (3) as a place with opportunities for German-Russian future union capable to overcome Western rationalism. Thus Moeller enters the multilateral political myth concerning not only the essence Siberia of but also the future of Germany.


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2 Moeller van den Bruck A. Bemerkungen über Dostojewski. F.M. Dostojewski: Die Dämonen. Sämtliche Werke, Erste Abteilung: Fünfter Band. München und Leipzig, Piper, 1906. S. VII–XV. (In German)

3 Moeller van den Bruck A. Bemerkungen über russische Mystik. F.M. Dostojewski: Der Idiot. Sämtliche Werke, Erste Abteilung: Dritter Band. München und Leipzig, Piper, 1907. S. V–XVII. (In German)

4 Moeller van den Bruck A. Bemerkungen über sibirische Möglichkeiten. F.M. Dostojew- ski: Aus einem Totenhaus. Sämtliche Werke, Erste Abteilung: Achtzehnter Band. München und Leipzig, Piper, 1906. S. VII–XV. (In German)

5 Moeller van den Bruck A. Das Dritte Reich. 1. Auflage. Ring Verlag, 1923. 261 S. (In German)

6 Moeller van den Bruck A. Der Nihilismus und die Revolution. F.M. Dostojewski: Die Dämonen. Sämtliche Werke, Erste Abteilung: Fünfter Band. München und Leipzig, Piper, 1922. S. VII–XXIV. (In German)

7 Mohler A. Die Konservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918–1932. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchges., 1994. 131 S. (In German)

8 Schlüter A. Moeller van den Bruck: Leben und Werk. Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 2010. IX, 448 S. (In German)