Дзетаро Ота

PhD in literary studies,

Professor of the Kumamoto-Gakuen University (since April 2003)

Education: Department of Russian Literature at the Tokyo University of Foreign Languages (1989); graduate studies at the Tokyo University of Foreign Languages (1992). September 2003 – May 2004 – practice at the Philology Department of the St. Petersburg State University.

PhD thesis:

Alexander Blok’s Poetry in the “Trilogia Vochelovechenia”

Research interests: Russian literature and cultural studies, the work of Andrey Bely, Alexander Blok, Evgenii Zamyatin and other writers of the 1910s–1930s; Japanese intellectuals who were in touch with Russian authors of the 1910s–1930s; Varvara Bubnova and her legacy as well as her connections with Japanese avant garde artists; Japanese Kabuki theatre in Russian theatre and art.


Professional service

In August 2015, organized a panel “Andrei Belyi: At the Crossroads of East and West. The 135th Anniversary: at the ICCEES IX World Congress (in Makuhari, Japan).


Academic publications — over 250 publications, including 2 monographs.

Selected publications


  • Irina Petrovna Kozhevnikova — in a Search of the Soviet Union Time. Kanagawa, 2020. In Japanese
  • Russian Modernism in the Network of Words, Texts and Activities within Russian-Japanese Exchange. Yokohama, 2014. In Japanese.

Selected Essays

  • “Are you Reading Politics into Art? Reflections on the ‘New Russia Exhibition’ (1927) from Yerevan.” Bulletin of Kumamoto Gakuen University. Study International Relations Abroad, vol. 51, 2024, pp. 97–121. In Japanese
  • “Reflections on Martiros Saryan.” Bulletin of Kumamoto Gakuen University. Study International Relations Abroad, vol. 50, 2023, pp. 1–25. In Japanese
  • “‛Are you an Art Critic, or do you Approach Art from a Different, Less Dangerous Side?’ Correspondence of V. D. Bubnova with N. I. Khardzhiev (1973).” Iskusstvoznanie, no. 2, 2022, pp. 368–415. In Russ. 
  • “Andrey Bely in Japan: Interpretation and Translations.” Andrey Bely’s Arabesques. Belgrade, Moscow, 2017, pp. 398–412. In Russ.
  • “Kandzo Narumi (1899–1974) — Japanese Collector of Old Russian Books in the 1920s–1930s; Alexander Blok’s Books from his Library in Tokyo.” Shahmatovsky vestnik, no. 13, 2013, pp. 383–395. In Russ.
  • “‛Nikitinskie Saturdays’ in Journals and Memoir of Japanese Authors.” The Worlds of Andrey Bely. Belgrade, Moscow, 2011, pp. 271–287. In Russ.
  • “‛Mountains SAY: W-O-R-D!’: On Mountain Landscapes by Andrey Bely in the Russian National Library Collection.” Andrey Bely in the Changing World. On His 125 Anniversary. Мoscow, 2008, pp. 527–535. In Russ.